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U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

In 2006 Singapore was the United States' ninth largest export market. Two-way U.S.-Singapore merchandise trade now exceeds $40 billion annually, with a $6.9 billion U.S. surplus, and two-way services trade tops $6 billion, with a $2.1 billion U.S. surplus. With the implementation of this free trade agreement (FTA) on January 1, 2004, this important trade relationship continues to expand and deepen.

The U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement is the first U.S. FTA with an Asian nation and the first FTA signed by President Bush. The U.S.-Singapore FTA will increase U.S. exports, improve U.S. competitiveness around the globe, secure a U.S. presence in Southeast Asia, and provide a standard of free trade that encourages a high level of liberalization. Doing business in Singapore will now be easier, faster, cheaper, and more transparent. It will give U.S. businesses and exporters even more access to one of the world's biggest markets, Southeast Asia, where many opportunities are to be found.

Besides binding all Singapore tariffs for U.S. goods at zero, the FTA will increase export opportunities for certain U.S. manufacturing sectors including those that produce satellite dishes and broadcasting equipment, medical instruments and equipment, microelectronics, paper, photo equipment, certain textiles, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.

Singapore will also accord substantial access to Singapore's services and investment market, with few exceptions. It will also increase government procurement opportunities and protection of intellectual property. Furthermore, the FTA provides for groundbreaking cooperation in promoting labor rights and the environment.

The Department of Commerce's Market Access and Compliance offices monitors this Agreement to ensure that Singapore fully complies with its trade obligations. If you encounter problems under the U.S.-Singapore FTA, please contact our Agreements Compliance office.

For additional information please contact an International Trade Specialist at the Trade Information Center at 800-USA-TRADE.

Additional Resources

Text of USSFTA
USTR Fact Sheet

U.S. Commercial Service, Singapore

Tariff Elimination

Frequently Asked Questions

Rules of Origin

Documenting Origin

U.S. Commercial Service Singapore Website

Textile, Apparel, Footwear, Leather and Travel Goods Information