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U.S.- Peru Trade Promotion Agreement

The United States and Peru signed the U.S. - Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (U.S.-Peru TPA) on April 12, 2006. The Peruvian Congress ratified the Agreement in June 2006 and a protocol of amendment in June 2007. On December 14, 2007, the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act was signed. The Agreement entered into force on February 1st, 2009.


The U.S.-Peru TPA is a tremendous opportunity for U.S. exporters.  It will give U.S. companies improved access to a strong market and improve the business climate in Peru as the country implements the necessary domestic legal and business reforms. Peru is a growing market for U.S. exporters and a good trade and policy partner to the United States. The U.S.-Peru TPA provides a framework to make Peru an excellent place to do business. 


The U.S.-Peru TPA has plenty to offer U.S. exporters, service providers and investors. 

Specifically, the U.S.-Peru TPA:

Levels the playing field for U.S. companies who will enjoy tariff free access into Peru once the Agreement takes full effect. 

Provides new market access for U.S. consumer and industrial products such as textiles and agricultural products

Provides unprecedented access to government procurement.

Liberalizes the services sectors.

Opens the Peruvian market to remanufactured goods.

Protects U.S. investments in the region.

Strengthens protections for U.S. patents, trademarks, and trade secrets

Improves customs facilitation.

Provides benefits to small and medium sized exporters

Addresses government transparency and corruption, worker rights, protection of the environment, trade capacity building and dispute settlement.

Requires important reforms of the domestic legal and business environment that are key to encouraging business development and investment.

For more information see the USTR website.

In order to take advantage of the benefits for U.S. goods under this agreement, exporters will need to understand how to determine that their goods are “originating” or qualify for preferential duty treatment under the U.S.-Peru TPA Rules of Origin. U.S. exporters will find information here to help guide them through this process. Users of this site should keep in mind that only the U.S.-Peru TPA text itself and the customs regulations of Peru that may be issued to implement the Agreement are definitive.

The Department of Commerce's Market Access and Compliance offices will be monitoring this Agreement to ensure that Peru fully complies with its trade obligations. If you encounter problems under the U.S.-Peru TPA, please contact our Agreements Compliance office.

Additional Resources

Text of the U.S.-Peru FTA

Rules of Origin

U.S. States’ Data on Exports to Peru

Textile, Apparel, Footwear, Leather and Travel Goods Information

Commercial Service U.S.-Peru TPA Website