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Information and Counseling

Successful exporters know who they can trust to get the information and guidance they need to make sound business decisions.

The U.S. Government provides U.S. companies with reliable information and personalized counseling at every step of the exporting process – from strategy and planning to financing and logistics to market entry and expansion to advocacy and dispute resolution.

Considering exporting?

Visit our Export Basics section to:

Take an Are you Export Ready? online assessment: answer nine questions that will help you identify areas your business needs to strengthen to become a successful exporter

Read the Basic Guide to Exporting: a step-by-step introduction to exporting

Learn how to Break Into The Trade Game: an exporting guide for small businesses

Watch the Export University 101 webinar: learn the basic information, methods, and strategies to help sell your products and services internationally

Take an International Business Training Course: gain an in-depth understanding of global business management, marketing, supply chain management and trade finance

For more information or assistance, please contact the Trade Information Center at 1-800-USA-TRADE or

Already exporting?

Find out what you need to know to become a more successful exporter:

Assess your company to identify areas your business needs to strengthen

Evaluate your international sales and marketing strategy

Research the most profitable international markets for your products/services

Prepare your products/services to enter a new market

Determine the best ways to distribute, price and promote your products /services

Conduct international business online

Ship your products/services with the correct export documentation, packaging and labels

Secure export financing to make a sale happen

Get expert advice and counseling from a U.S. Government representative located near you.

Request export counseling assistance from your local Export Assistance Center and work one-on-one with an expert in international trade to get answers to your exporting questions and receive guidance on how your company can become more successful in the global marketplace.

Agriculture-Specific Export Counseling

The Foreign Agricultural Service, SRTGs (State Regional Trade Groups), State Departments of Agriculture, food and agriculture industry organizations and international trade groups have a variety of programs and services that can benefit new and experienced exporters.

Productivity and Efficiency Counseling for U.S. Manufacturers (MEP)

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is a nationwide network of not-for-profit centers in over 400 locations nationwide. MEPs work directly with U.S. manufacturers to provide expertise and services tailored to their most critical needs, ranging from process improvements and worker training to business practices and applications of information technology.