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Frequently Asked Questions

Foreign Standards and Certification Information

What information is available on U.S. and foreign standards?

What are the agriculture-specific requirements and certifications?

Does my product need a European CE Marking?

Does my product need a China Compulsory Certification (CCC Mark)?

What are ISO standards?

Packaging and Recycling Laws

What is the European Directive on packaging, packaging waste, and recycling requirements?

What is the “eco-label”?

Are there any country specific requirements within the European Union?

What other countries have similar regulations?

Who is responsible for meeting the regulations?

How can I find out more information about packaging and recycling regulations?

International Electricity Regulation

What is “Electrical Current Abroad”?

Export Legal Assistance

What is the Export Legal Assistance Network (ELAN)?

What are the services that an ELAN lawyer will provide?

How can I contact an ELAN lawyer located near me?

Other Legal Resources

How can the Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce help me?

What are the District Export Councils?

How can the American Bar Association (ABA) help me?

Legal Disputes

How can I avoid having to resolve legal disputes in courts or through international legal bureaucracies?

What are some of the ways to deal with a trade dispute with a foreign buyer?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Where can I find additional information on ADR?

Trade Disputes

Are there any additional ways to get assistance in resolving a trade dispute?