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Audio/Video Sessions

National Summit on Medical Errors
and Patient Safety Research

On September 11, 2000, as part of the Government's response to the Institute of Medicine's landmark November 1999 report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, the Federal Quality Interagency Coordination (QuIC) Task Force sponsored a national summit to help set a research agenda on medical errors and patient safety.

During the summit, five panels of experts offered suggestions for what types of research the Government and the private sector need to conduct to help reduce and prevent future errors.

The panels were as follows:

  • Panel 1: Consumers and Purchasers.
  • Panel 2: Broad-based System Approaches.
  • Panel 3: Particular System Issues.
  • Panel 4: Reporting Issues and Learning Approaches.
  • Panel 5: State Coalitions and Public Policy Advocates.

Streaming video of the full testimony for each of those panels is available for electronic access from this site.

In addition, public comment sessions and statements by 24 witnesses as well as written testimony submitted by other individuals also will be made available electronically.

Representatives from the panels were available to talk with the media during a noontime break:

  • Susan Sheridan, Consumer from Boise, Idaho.
  • Steve Wetzell, Leapfrog Group.
  • Robert Crane, Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy.
  • Michael Cohen, Institute for Safe Medication Practices.
  • Marie Dotseth, Minnesota Department of Health.
  • Timothy Flaherty, American Medical Association.

Streaming video of the sessions is available to viewers using a 28.8K or 56K modem or a T1 line for an Internet connection.

To access the streaming video, you will need RealPlayer installed on your computer. To download a free player, select RealPlayer G2 and check the minimum requirements for your system and follow the instructions provided for download and installation.

If you are unsure of where you saved it on your computer, select "Start" on your navigation bar, then "Find," and search for "Real." When you find the folder, look for the "Set-Up" box, select that, and the installation will begin.

Once you have the RealPlayer installed, you may select the sessions listed to watch the streaming video.

Streaming video files from the summit include:

Current as of September 2000

Internet Citation:

National Summit on Medical Errors and Patient Safety Research. Audio/Video Sessions. Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force (QuIC). September 2000. http://www.quic.gov/summit/summitvid.htm

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