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Other Resources

U.S. Agricultural Trade Statistics

Trade statistics and evaluation tools from the Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

APEC member countries have tariff schedules and other vital information for the exporter.

Bureau of Economic Analysis

BEA provides foreign direct investment and domestic economic statistics

Census Bureau

Foreign Trade Division

Schedule B - Classification of U.S. exports. Searchable database

Annual Survey of Manufactures

Economics and Statistics Administration

Economic Indicators

Gateway to data from 100+ U.S. agencies

National Trade Data Bank

Foreign market information (GLOBUS / NTDB)

OECD Economic and Trade Statistics

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development publishes a variety of international trade statistics and reports. Also see the OECD Statistics Portal.

U.S. Department of Labor

Information from the Producer Price Indexes

U.S. Trade Representative

Trade Agreements

Country-by-country imports by commodity

Country exports by commodity

Importers by commodity

Exporters by commodity

U.S. Customs

Importing and exporting procedures and information.

U.S. International Trade Commission

ITC statistics

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HS) - Classification of U.S. imports, in PDF files

How to customize ITC Dataweb data runs

Office of Industry Analysis

Virtual Trade Reference Room collection of online trade resources