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Office of Investigations


To protect the mail and to maintain the integrity of postal processes and personnel, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) relies on the investigative efforts of the cadre of special agents of the Office of Inspector General (OIG). These OIG special agents – federal law enforcement officers – are charged with maintaining America’s confidence in the integrity of the U.S. Postal Service.

Investigative efforts, coupled with the USPS OIG’s objective and independent audits, promote the efficiency, effectiveness and integrity of the Nation’s postal system. The charge of our special agents is to investigate internal crimes and frauds against the Postal Service. These efforts contribute to safeguarding the Postal Service’s revenue and assets and help deter postal crimes, ultimately helping to maintain a stable and sound Postal Service. Special agents stationed in 90 offices nationwide conduct investigations in the following program areas:


Special agents also investigate bribery, kickbacks, extortion, conflicts of interest, and allegations against postal executives. In addition, the Office of Investigations combats fraud and theft through the Countermeasures Directorate’s crime prevention efforts.