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Office of Audit



The USPS OIG’s audits and reviews are designed to protect assets and revenue, ensure efficient and economical mail delivery, and safeguard the integrity of the postal system. We perform audits and reviews in compliance with standards published by the Comptroller General of the United States, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, and the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency.

The OIG’s mission is to conduct and supervise objective and independent audits, reviews, and investigations relating to Postal Service programs and operations to:

Under the leadership of the Inspector General, the Assistant Inspector General for Audit (AIGA) is responsible for the Office of Audit. Deputy Assistant Inspectors General for Audit (DAIGAs) report to the AIGA and lead the Mission Operations, Support Operations, Financial Accountability, and Revenue and Systems programs. The DAIGAs advise the AIGA on the major risks facing the Postal Service in their program areas and propose audits based on these risks and stakeholder concerns. The DAIGAs also maintain professional relationships with Postal Service executives to ensure open communication and full coverage of their issues and challenges.

We align our audit resources with the Postal Service’s Vice Presidents and major functional areas, allowing us to focus on the areas that pose the greatest potential risks and challenges to management.