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National Interagency Fire Center
JFSP Announcement for Proposals Joint Fire Science Program

Requests for Applications (RFAs)

2009 RFAs

Note: JFSP will not review proposals from past-due PIs or Co-PIs. Please refer to the Past-Due and Project Extension Policy.

FY 2009 RFAs

2009-1 September 24, 2008

Closed November 21, 2008

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There are ten areas of interest in this Announcement for Proposals:

  • Lifecycle fuels treatments – Task 1
  • Temporal and spatial scaling of fire and aquatic organisms – Task 2
  • Regional haze – ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation – Task 3
  • Smoke dispersion from low-intensity fires – Task 4
  • Trade-off assessments of AMR decisions – Task 5
  • Fire, insect outbreak, and windstorm effects on fuel profiles and fire behavior – Task 6
  • Predictive fire severity maps - Task 7
  • Compatibility of fuel treatments and fire management with conservation of threatened and endangered wildlife species - Task 8
  • Prevention effectiveness - Task 9
  • 2008 wildfires and wildland fire-use fires – re-measurement opportunities - Task 10

2009-2 September 24, 2008

Closed November 21, 2008

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1.  Synthesis of existing knowledge
The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) is interesting in sponsoring projects that synthesize existing information in a form that is useful to land managers. The goal is to present information on topics of importance to land managers that have a sufficient base of existing knowledge to support a synthesis and management interpretation.

JFSP is interested in synthesis proposals on the following topics:

  • Extreme fire behavior
  • Fire history and climate change
  • Guides to fuels treatment practices

2009-3 September 24, 2008

Closed November 21, 2008

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New science initiative – fire ecology.

The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) is interested in sponsoring projects that stimulate and support activities that lead to or advance innovative ideas regarding the interactions of fire, vegetation, and fuels in a changing climate.

The goal is to push the frontiers of knowledge and generate new ideas and concepts. The types of activities appropriate to this task statement are broad, and could include:

  • Articulation of new concepts
  • A synthesis of information to generate new hypotheses
  • Development of an experimental design to test a new hypothesis
  • A modeling exercise to test a theoretical advance

Past AFPs

FY 2008 RFAs

2008-1 October 1, 2007

Closed November 16, 2007

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There are six areas of interest in this Announcement for Proposals:

  • Lifecycle Fuels – Task 1
  • Eastern Invasive Non-Native Species – Task 2
  • Deep Organic Soils – Task 3
  • 2007 Fires – Changing Strategies and Tactics – Task 4
  • 2007 Fires – Re-Measurement Opportunities – Task 5
  • Smoke and Emissions Models Evaluation – Task 6

FY 2007 AFPs

2007-3 June 2007

Closed July 25, 2007

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This announcement for proposals (AFP) contains three specific tasks under the broad heading of biomass removal: 1) Biomass estimators, 2) Biomass removal case studies and 3) Economic and financial effects of biomass removal as a fire hazard treatment.

2007-1 October 2006

Closed December 13, 2006

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There are six task statements within three areas of interest in this Announcement for Proposals. Areas of interest include: 1) Rapid Response, 2) Managers Request and 3) Fire in the Wildland Urban Interface.

2007-2 October 2006


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There are three task statements in this Announcement for Pre-proposals: 1) Build on or extend results of completed JFSP research, 2) Re-measurement of past study sites or experimental plots and 3) Evaluation and testing of models or modeling systems.

FY 2006 AFPs

2006-1 October 2005

Closed December 14, 2005

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This Announcement for Proposals includes two Task Statements: 1) Rapid response projects for future wildland fires; and 2) Rapid response projects for past (2005) wildland fires.

2006-2 October 2005

Closed December 14, 2005

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This Announcement for Proposals includes one (1) Task Statement on Local Needs.

2006-3 October 2005

Closed December 14, 2005

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This Announcement for Proposals includes four (4) Task Statements: 1) Supporting the needs of wildland fire managers and policy makers in understanding past, current and future natural fire regimes; 2) Supporting the needs of wildland fire managers and policy makers in assessing the cumulative effects of wildand fuels treatments; 3) Developing guidance for maintaining effective fire and non-fire fuels treatments; and 4) Evaluating the effects and effectiveness of post-fire management activities.

2006-4 October 2005

Closed November 14, 2005

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This Announcement for pre-proposals includes 1 (one) Task Statement for studies that will build on or extend results of completed JSFP research, propose re-measurement of past study sites or experimental plots, or evaluate and test models or modeling systems.

FY 2005 AFPs

2005-1 October 2004

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes two task statements: "rapid response" rapid response projects for future wildland fires, and rapid response projects for past (2004) fires. Both task statements focus on the effectiveness of pre and post-fire fuel treatments.

2005-2 October 2004

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes one task statement on local needs.

2005-3 October 2004

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes one task statement on air quality and two task statments on social science.

2005-4 October 2004

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes three task statements on science delivery and application.

FY 2004 AFPs

2004-1 October 2003

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals included two Task Statements: “rapid response” projects for future wildland fires, and rapid response projects for past (2003) fires. Both Task Statements focused on the effectiveness of pre-fire fuel treatments.

2004-2 October 2003

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes one Task Statement on Local Research Needs.

2004-3 October 2003

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes one Task Statement on “Best Management Practices”.

2004-4 October 2003

Closed December 15, 2004

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This Announcement for Proposals includes two Task Statements on science delivery and application (formerly technology transfer).

FY 2003 AFPs

2003-1 October 2002

Closed January 6, 2003

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2003-2 October 2002

Closed January 6, 2003

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2003-3 October 2002

Closed January 6, 2003

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2003-4 October 2002

Closed January 6, 2003

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FY 2001 AFPs

2001-1 February 2001

Closed April 23, 2002

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2001-2 February 2001

Closed January 6, 2003

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2001-3 February 2001

Closed January 6, 2003

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FY 2000 AFPs

2000-1 February 2000

Closed April 23, 2001

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2000-2 February 2000

Closed August 15, 2000

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FY 1999 AFPs

1999-1 February 1999

Closed April 23, 1999

FY 1998 AFPs

1998-1 June 1998

Closed July 7, 1998