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Deep Wildland Fire


Approximate Location

26.177 latitude, -81.314 longitude

Incident Overview

This image shows a shot from the air of the fire burning in Big Cypress National Preserve. It is burning through tall prairie grass and into strands of hardwood.

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On Saturday, May 2nd the Deep Fire will transition to G. Sheppard Type 3 Team. The fire is currently 30,005 acres and 95% contained. Expected containment date is May 4.

Basic Information

Incident TypeWildland Fire
Date of OriginWednesday April 22nd, 2009 aprox 09:07 PM
Location1 mi North of I-75 and East of SR-29
Incident CommanderMike Wilkins

Current Situation

Total Personnel109
Size30,005 acres
Percent Contained95%
Estimated Containment DateMonday May 04th, 2009 aprox 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved

Tall Grass (2.5 feet), Prairie Grass and Pine--Fuel Models 3 and 7Active fire behavior in limited grass fuels.

Fire Behavior

Smoldering in hammocks. Lower RH and higher temperatures in the afternoon yield moderate fire behavior with flame lengths up to 2 feet

Significant Events

Transition with Sheppard Type 3 team today. Change of command at 1800 hours today


Planned Actions

Patrol and mop up in all Divisions. Continue IA duties.

Growth Potential


Terrain Difficulty



Transition with G. Sheppard Type 3 Team tomorrow. Incident transfer of command at 1800 hours tomorrow.

Current Weather

Wind Conditions15 mph E
Temperature90 degrees

Unit Information

NPS Shield
Big Cypress National Preserve
National Park Service
HCR 61, Box 110
Ochopee, FL 34141

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U.S. Forest Service Bureau of Land Managemen Bureau of Indian Affairs Fish and Wildlife Service National Park Service National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Office of Aircraft Services National Association of State Foresters U.S. Fire Administration
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