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Scheduled AES Webinars

Avoid Costly Penalties and Seizures – Register for Our Webinars on the New AES Requirements! It is imperative that you understand the new AES requirements that will be enforced starting October 1, 2008 and how to avoid possible penalties and seizure of your commodities. To this end, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division and the U.S. Commercial Service are offering a series of webinars designed to educate U.S. exporters on these new regulations.

Please Note: This is a five part series and you must register for each session separately. There is a fee of $50 for each session. To register click on the date that you’d like to participate under the title of each session.

Part 1: Filing Requirements
Register to participate on May 19

Part 2: Export Commodity Classification
Register to participate on May 21

Part 3: AES Overview
Register to participate on May 28

Part 4: How to Use PCLink
Register to participate on June 2

Part 5: CBP Enforcement Guidelines
Register to participate on June 4