Bureau of Reclamation Banner
Great Plains Region
Billings, Mont.
Media Contact:
Paula Holwegner
(406) 247-7300
Mark Andersen
(406) 247-7610

Released On: November 07, 2007

Reclamation Announces Public Meetings to Discuss Future Recreation Development at Kim's Marina
In January 2007, the Bureau of Reclamation, Montana Area Office, awarded a 20-year concession contract for operation of the Kim's Marina concession area. Reclamation is conducting a public process to help determine appropriate future recreation facilities or services to be provided at Kim's Marina.

Reclamation will hold two public meetings in Helena, Montana, to discuss future recreation development at the Kim's Marina Concession Area, Canyon Ferry Reservoir. The meetings will be on November 27 and 29, 2007, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the second floor meeting area at the Helena Regional Airport located at 2850 Skyway Drive.

The purpose of the meetings is to obtain public input and explore suggestions on recreation facilities and services at Kim's Marina that would best serve the needs of the recreating public, reservoir visitors, nearby communities, and the concessionaire.

Aukerman, Haas & Associates, a consulting firm that specializes in water-based recreation planning, has been selected to assist Reclamation with this public involvement process. The contractor and Reclamation staff will be available during the meetings to facilitate discussion, answer questions, and hear ideas and recommendations. Written comments can be submitted at the public meetings, mailed to Aukerman, Haas & Associates, Attn: Bob Aukerman, 729 Duke Sq., Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525 or sent via e-mail to baukerman@comcast.net. Comments should be received by February 1, 2008.

Additional information and updates will be available at http://www.usbr.gov/gp/mtao. Questions concerning the public involvement process should be directed to Ms. Paula Holwegner of Reclamation's Montana Area Office at (406) 247-7300.

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.