NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Origin of Life Gordon Conference

    When January 10, 2010 (Sun) ~ January 15, 2010 (Fri)
    Where Hotel Galvez, Galveston, Texas, USA

    The origin and early development of life whether specifically on Earth, or possibly elsewhere in the universe, remains one of the great unsolved scientific problems. The 2010 Gordon Conference on the Origin of Life will present highly interdisciplinary cutting-edge research that seeks to improve our understanding of origins while allowing increasingly realistic scenarios for major events in life’s history. This year’s conference will again underscore the rich diversity of perspectives while addressing a variety of key questions. Does life uniquely reside on the Earth or is it found elsewhere? Speakers will present and examine the most recent results of studies on Mars and efforts to detect and study extrasolar planets. How might an RNA World have emerged and led to modern living systems? Speakers will discuss recent advances in understanding self-replicating systems and prospects of developing model synthetic living systems. What was the earliest life on Earth like? Here speakers will examine the nature of the last common ancestor, the possibility of actually reconstructing ancient proteins and the early development of the translation machinery. What can the deep carbon cycle tell us about origins? Speakers will examine abiotic synthesis and deep microbial life. The Conference will bring together a collection of investigators who are at the forefront of their fields, and will provide opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with the presenters.

    Immediately preceding the GRC, on Saturday, January 9, there will be a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) for young investigators. Funding is being sought to allow partial travel and registration support for both the GRC and the GRS for graduate students and postdoctoral scientists who participate as presenters in the Gordon Research Seminar. For more information, please go to the 2010 Origin of Life GRS web site.

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