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May 14, 2009
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What's New


Date Feature
May 14 Registration Forms -- Transit Board Members Seminar & Board Support Employee Development Workshop
May 14 Lodging Forms -- Transit Board Members Seminar & Board Support Employee Development Workshop
May 14 Travel Discounts -- Transit Board Members Seminar & Board Support Employee Development Workshop
May 13 Program At-A-Glance -- Multimodal Operations Planning Workshop
May 13 Roadeo Handbook -- International Rail Rodeo
May 13 International Conference on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
May 12 Lodging -- Multimodal Operations Planning Workshop
May 11 Online Registration -- ITS International Best Practices Workshop: Wireless Communications
May 11 Lodging Forms -- ITS International Best Practices Workshop: Wireless Communications
May 5 Travel Discounts -- International Rail Rodeo
May 1 Final Program -- Bus Rapid Transit Conference
April 28 Online Registration -- Procurement Workshop
April 28 Preliminary Program -- ITS International Best Practices Workshop: Wireless Communications
April 28 New Conference -- ITS International Best Practices Workshop: Wireless Communications
April 24 Final Program -- Bus & Paratransit Conference & International Bus Roadeo
April 22 Pre-Registration List -- Rail Conference
April 20 Schedule For Commitee & Contestants -- International Rail Rodeo
April 17 Program At-A-Glance -- Risk Management Conference
April 17 Exhibitor List -- Rail Conference
April 16 Handbook -- International Bus Roadeo
April 16

Pre-Registration List -- International Bus Roadeo

April 13 Pre-Registration List -- Light Rail Conference
April 13 Showcase Floor Plan -- Rail Conference
April 9 Program At-A-Glance -- Procurement Workshop

Government Affairs

Date Feature
April 29

Public Transportation’s Role In Economic Recovery (House Committee On Transportation And Infrastructure)

April 24

APTA letter to Chairman Spratt on Budget Resolution and Surface Transportation

April 24

Federal Transit Investment For Fiscal Year 2010 (Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies of the House Committee on Appropriations)

April 23

Climate Change Legislation Moving In The House – House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Offers Timeline For Consideration Of Surface Transportation Authorization Bill - American Recovery And Reinvestment Energy Grants Now Available

April 22

Discussion Principles for Climate Legislation in the 111th Congress

April 22

Letter on climate legislation to Chairman Waxman, House Energy and Commerce Committee

April 16

On Transit Security Funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 (House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security)

April 13

THUD Appropriations FY 2010 Funding Request

April 7

Letter to Representative Nadler on Workforce Development


Other News

May 6

Los Angeles Metro Wins Top Honor at 2009 International Bus Roadeo -- Best Transit Bus Operator, Maintenance Crew, Grand Champion, and Customer Service Challenge Winners Named

May 6

More Than $8,600 Saved Annually by Individuals Who Seek to “Ride Out” the Rough Economy by Riding Public Transportation

May 4

APTA Announces 2009 Bus Safety Awards -- Recognizes Top Safety Records and Commitment to Improving Bus Safety in North America

April 30

Public Transportation Is Safe -- Public Transit Systems Have Precautionary Procedures In Place

April 29

2009 APTA Bus & Paratransit Conference, International Bus Roadeo, And Bus Rapid Transit Conference To Be Held In Seattle, WA May 2 - 6

April 29

Two Out of Three Jobs Created by Public Transit Investment Replace Jobs Hardest Hit by Economic Downturn -- New Study Shows $1 Billion Investment in Public Transportation Yields 30,000 Jobs

April 24

Price Tag to Reduce Congestion, ‘Go Green’ and Improve Safety Outlined in Bottom Line Report

April 23

Public Transit Investment In Climate Change Legislation Will Reduce Emissions -- Statement from APTA President William W. Millar

April 23

Chairman James Oberstar Gets Bottom Line From Transportation Officials -- Price Tag to Relieve Congestion, “Go Green” and Improve Highway Safety

April 21

Save the Planet: Use Public Transportation -- Reduce your annual carbon dioxide emissions by 4,800 pounds by taking public transportation

April 16

APTA Applauds President Obama For His Vision On High-Speed Rail

April 8

Statement on Nomination of Peter Rogoff as FTA Administrator by William W. Millar, President of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)