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Learning Collaboratives

...to narrow the gap between what is and what can be for the growing population of children and youth with special health care needs. - NICHQ

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) developed the collaborative learning model in 1995, called the Breakthrough Series.

The Breakthrough Series is designed to help organizations close that gap by creating a structure in which interested organizations can easily learn from each other and from recognized experts in topic areas where they want to make improvements. A Breakthrough Series Collaborative is a short-term (6- to 15-month) learning system that brings together a large number of teams from hospitals or clinics to seek improvement in a focused topic area.

A glossary of common improvement terminology. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Directions: you will need to log in to the IHI web site to download the glossary

The Care Model for Child Health in a Medical Home

-Adapted from The Chronic Care Model developed by Ed Wagner, MD, MPH

The Chronic Care Model is an organizational approach to caring for people with chronic disease in a primary care setting. The system is population-based and creates practical, supportive, evidenced-based interactions between an informed, activated patient and a prepared, proactive practice team (Wagner, et al).

The Care Model for Child Health in a Medical Home has been adapted from the Chronic Care Model for the care of CYSHCN in primary care settings. Six domains organize the model; each represents numerous change concepts and innovative action ideas for a strong health care environment supportive of a Medical Home for every child and youth with special health care needs. Care Model Fact Sheet

Improvement Methods
IHI has collected content including change concepts, measures, resources, improvement stories, and downloadable tools — to help you make improvement successful in your organization. This includes:


Leaders interviewed for this article thought the critical determinants of how effective the collaboratives are include: sponsorship, topic, ideas for improvements, participants, senior leadership support, preliminary work and learning, and strategies for learning about and making improvements.

Technical Assistance
Improving Chronic Illness Care (ICIC)
The program seeks to improve the care of the chronically ill. ICIC provides year-long improvement programs based on a process developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and provides access to dozens of tools and materials to help you prepare for and conduct a collaborative. This includes:

  • Access to a library of collaborative training and tools
  • Join a year-long improvement collaborative
  • Take the Assessment of Chronic Illness Care survey and see how your system’s present chronic illness care measures up,

The Center for Children's Healthcare Improvement
Services Include:

  • Data Support and Analysis
  • Delivery System Innovation and Design
  • Hour-long convenient CME learning opportunities
  • Diffusion and Spread Initiatives

The National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) www.nichq.org/nichq
Services Include:

  • Conferences and Trainings
    Like their Collaboratives, draw on quality improvement principles and best-practice guidelines. Many of the conferences and trainings are "public" events, or open to organizations and individuals to join to learn and share, network, and challenge each other to new levels of excellence.

1. The Breakthrough Series: IHI’s Collaborative Model for Achieving Breakthrough Improvement – Boston, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2003

Last Updated March 13, 2008

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