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Community Pediatrics Teleconferences


Act Early on Developmental Concerns:

Partnering with Early Intervention

Web Conference: July 14, 2008

12:00 - 1:30 PM Eastern


  • Describe importance of referring children to Early Intervention and follow up services as soon as a developmental issue is suspected
  • Understand the role of the Early Intervention program
  • Utilize strategies identified on the teleconference to form partnerships, encourage referrals, and improve communication with Early Intervention and community services


Click here to access the audio recording. (MP3 - 10 MB)

PowerPoint Presentation

Additional Materials

Georgina Peacock, MD, MPH, FAAP is a developmental-behavioral pediatrician who currently works as an AUCD fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities on the Learn the Signs. Act Early. campaign. This campaign is helping to increase awareness about developmental milestones and delays, and the benefits of early intervention. Dr. Peacock's clinical focus includes evaluation of developmental problems and concerns including autism. In addition, she follows children with developmental problems over time and assists parents in their management of common problems involving behavior, sleeping and feeding. Dr. Peacock has four wonderful children aged 2-10 years and a very supportive husband.

Dr. Peacock received her Medical Degree and Masters in Public Health from the University of Kansas and also completed her residency in Pediatrics and Fellowship in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Kansas. Her Bachelors in Science is from the University of Michigan in German and Cell and Molecular Biology.

Layla Mohammed, MD, FAAP is a clinical instructor in the Division of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases at the University of Michigan practicing through the Ypsilanti Health Center, serving a non-urban low income community. She is also a faculty member at the University of Michigan Medical School. In 2002, through the National NICHQ Medical Home Learning Collaborative and the Michigan Medical Home Initiative, Dr. Mohammed participated as a trainee for developing a Medical Home at the Ypsilanti Health Center. As the lead clinician in Ypsilanti Health Center, Dr. Mohammed participated in the Developmental Surveillance and Screening Policy Implementation Project (D-PIP) to develop outcomes for the implementation of an algorithm to identify children with developmental disorders in the Medical Home. Currently, Dr. Mohammed coordinates the Washtenaw County EarlyOn collaboration with the Ypsilanti Health Center and has provided presentations on the example of EarlyOn collaboration with Primary care providers for community pediatricians and family physicians.

Diane Zedan, Ed. Specialist, works as the Director of Special Education for the Washtenaw Intermediate School District in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She coordinates the early intervention services for Washtenaw county infants and toddlers, birth to three years old. Diane is a member of the leadership commission for the Washtenaw Birth to Six Interagency Coordinating Council. She supports universal parent education training for children birth to six through First Steps Washtenaw and also coordinates services for children identified as eligible for Michigan EarlyOn programs.



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