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May 14, 2009
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Media Links

The following links include transportation-related internet and print discussion groups, internet information centers, transportation directories, magazines, newsletters, and other periodical publications.   All sites listed are in the United States of America except where noted otherwise.

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To add, change, or delete your site, please send the web address of your site, as well as the name of your organization and your contact information toupdate at apta dot com

AASHTO Bookstore (American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials)
AltFuels Advisor (AFA)
ABC (Australasian Bus and Coach)
Blickpunkt Strassenbahn (BS)(Germany)
BBBC (Blue Book of Building and Construction)
Bond Buyer (BB)
BCM (Bus Conversions Magazine)
Bus Exchange (BE)
BGI (Bus Garage Index)
BRM (Bus Ride Magazine)
Bus Spot (BS)
Bus Station (BS)(United Kingdom)
BCP ( and Coach Professional)(United Kingdom)
Buses And Coaches -- Ian Allan Publishing (United Kingdom)
Busweb (Buses on the Web)(Netherlands)
ChinaTransport.Net (CTN)
Construction Update
CWR (Cyberspace World Railroad)
EIQM (Eco IQ Magazine)
ESTP (Elsevier Science Transportation Publications)(United Kingdom)
Energy Argus (EA)
FFI (Fast Ferry Information)
Export Hotline (EH)
Funimag (France)
GPSU (GPS User Magazine)
HEV (Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Progress)
Inside ITS
International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles
ITSI (Intelligent Transportation Systems International)(United Kingdom)
IRJ (International Railway Journal)(United Kingdom)
JPT (Journal of Public Transportation)
Link Rail (LR)
Mass Transit (MT) (MTC)
Meeting News (MN)
Meeting News (MN)
Metro Magazine (MM)
MCA (Motor Coach Age)
MCT (Motor Coach Today)
NERJ (New Electric Railway Journal)
OOTTF (On Track On Line Train Travel Forum)
Passenger Transport
PTR (Pacific Transit Review)
Perils For Pedestrians Television
Progressive Railroading (PR)
Rail News (RN)
RTO (Rail Transit OnLine)
Rail Yard (RY)
Railroad Directory (RD)
Railvolution (Czech Republic)
Railwatch (United Kingdom)
Railway Age (RA)
RGI (Railway Gazette International)(United Kingdom)
Railway Technology (RT)(United Kingdom)
RTS (Railway Track and Structures)
RTR ( Rail)
Realidad Ferroviaria (RF)(Argentina)
Revista Ferroviaria (RF)(Brazil)
SIATG (Salk International's Airport Transit Guide)
STN (School Transportation News)
SAITS (Scientific American Intelligent Transportation Systems Newsletters)
SUT (Smart Urban Transport)(Australia)
TEA-21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century)
TrafficLinq (Netherlands)
Tram News (TN)(Germany)
TTN (Transit Television Network) (TN)
Transport Connect (TC)(United Kingdom)
Transport Policy (TP)(United Kingdom)
TCN (Transportation Communications Newsletter)
Transportation Reviews -- Locate, Review & Rate Car Services for ALL Arizona Airports! (TUSA) (TSC)(United Kingdom)
TIC (Trenchless Information Center)
TR Update (TRU)(United Kingdom)
UNDBO (United Nations Development Business Online)
UTN (Urban Transport News)
UTT (Urban Transport Technology)(United Kingdom)
UTM (Urban Transportation Monitor)
UBN (Used Buses Net)(Netherlands)
Volpe Journal (VJ)
WT (Western Transit Society) (WSC)


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