Online Communities and Learning Center Online Communities and Learning Center

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APTA Online Communities and Learning Center
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Welcome to the APTA Online Communities & Learning Center

The APTA Online Communities & Learning Center provides our members the opportunity to communicate and share information and resources online 24/7 with fellow APTA members and transit industry experts having areas of common interests.


Online Communities

Register for APTA’s online communities.  Join a community. Find out what it’s about. Ask questions. Find out what others are doing. Get answers. Tell your stories. Share your resources. Check out APTA’s Workforce Development Clearinghouse through the HR Online Communities.


Online Learning

Register today for APTA’s new online course - Introduction to Track Circuits for Signal Maintainers. Click here for more information and to register.

If you are already enrolled in Introduction to Track Circuits for Signal Maintainers, click here to launch the course.



Web-based Events

Take advantage of APTA’s growing set of online offerings through our new online learning center– from APTA’s popular webinar series and online meetings to upcoming new state-of-the-art blended learning programs and online learning modules being designed for the transit industry.

All Aboard!

Learning and communicating online beyond “email” may be new for many of you. You must register your request to join an online community. Check the online Learning Center and register for events that address your needs. Join your fellow APTA members who lead the industry in new and alternative ways to communicate, share, and grow the future of our industry!


Access Your Communities

Access your online communities. Login to the online center and access your personal set of communities. If you forget to login, you will be taken to the login page before you can access your communities.

Upcoming Offerings

Click here to access the schedule of online offerings and new programs in the works.

Track Your Personal Growth

Over time, APTA plans to use this site to register for some of APTA’s instructor-led workshops as well as future online sessions. You as members will be able to track your own progress as you advance through new curricula. You will have personal records of workshops you take and online courses you complete.

Tell Us ...

How to make the APTA Online Communities and Learning Center better!  Take our survey.

Copyright © 2003 American Public Transportation Association • 1666 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Telephone (202) 496-4800 • Fax (202) 496-4321