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  • The Title V MCH 5-Year Needs Assessment & Transition: A Primer for CYSHCN Programs (doc) NEW

  • Title V Practice Brief: Transition for Youth with Special Health Care Needs: How Do We Get This Done? (doc) updated March 2009

Bobby Approved


What's Health Got To Do with Transition? Everything!
Picture of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Health Impacts All Aspects of Life
Success in the classroom, within the community, and on the job requires that young people with special health care needs stay healthy. To stay healthy, young people need an understanding of their health and to participate in their health care decisions.

We provide information and connections to health and transition expertise nationwide – from those in the know, doing the work and living it!

This site focuses on understanding systems, access to quality health care, and increasing the involvement of youth. It also includes provider preparation plus tools and resources needed to make more informed choices!

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The HRTW Center is headquartered at the Maine State Title V CSHN Program. Activities are coordinated through the Maine Support Network's Center for Self-Determination, Health and Policy. The Center is funded through a cooperative agreement (U39MC06899-01-00) from the Integrated Services Branch, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs (DSCSHN) in the Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Lynda Honberg, HRSA/MCHB Project Officer.