NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Answered Questions

    Answered Wednesday, May 13, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    If you claim that the nibiru planet is a hoax why are there actual footage from the nasa stateing that the planet exsits? ALSO if nibiru is fake then why did someone from nasa add a video and audeo on

    The only video I can find claiming that NASA confirms the existence of Nibiru is a summer 2008 posting on Youtube at Some guy standing in his kitchen is claiming that one of the objects discovered by NASA’s Spitzer x-ray telescope is Nibiru. What is his evidence? That since... More

    Answered Tuesday, May 12, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    What domain and kingdom is the Swine Flu (H1N1) placed in?

    H1N1 is a virus, and viruses are not a part of the standard taxonomy of life with the three domains of bacteria, archaea, and eukaria. Indeed, some biologists do not consider viruses to really be alive, since they depend on invading living cells in order to metabolize and reproduce. There... More

    Answered Monday, May 11, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    What do astronomers and astrobiologists look for when they are looking for "biomarkers" to asses the habitability of extrasolar terrestrial planets? I know that the prescence of liquid water is one thing, but are there others?

    Astrobiologists use the terms “biomarker” or “biosignature” to mean evidence of life itself, not of habitability. For example, the simultaneous presence of methane, oxygen, and water vapor in the atmosphere of a terrestrial size planet could be a biomarker. Unfortunately, we do not yet have sufficient telescopic power to make... More

    Answered Friday, May 8, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    Some say that Nibiru will be visible from May the 15th.

    That is a welcome prediction. I get tired of websites that claim that Nibiru is somehow “hiding”. So everyone who is interested, please go out and look. Let me know if you see Nibiru.

    For a good short reference on the Nibiru hoax, I recommend the entry under "Nibiru... More

    Answered Thursday, May 7, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    I have observed a growing conflict between the Darwinian model of evolution and newer models of analysis. Some have argued that evolution of intelligent complex organisms may not have been random but loosely coded across the geneteic code exchanged by all life. Other evidence also leads to the argument that life did not originate on this planet but elsewhere. How do NASA astrobiologists react to what appears to be conflicting interpretation?

    I don’t think the conflict you describe is real. I have not heard any astrobiologists question the tenants of Darwinian evolution. The idea that there is a genetic predisposition toward intelligence flies in the face of the past century of evolutionary biology. I know of no scientific support for ideas... More

    Answered Wednesday, May 6, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    If global warming and high CO2 are supposed to be so bad for life on Earth, how do you explain the amazing greening of the northern hemisphere, which NASA states was driven by higher temperatures, higher CO2, or both (QUOTE: "One suspected cause is rising temperatures possibly linked to the buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere."):

    The increase in atmospheric carbon-dioxide and temperatures creates both winners and losers. For example, we expect a “greening” of much of Canada and up into the Arctic, while the central U.S. shifts toward dryer, hotter desert conditions. Many land plants thrive with more carbon dioxide, but most animals (and marine... More

    Answered Tuesday, May 5, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    I have heard from a reliable source that NASA is covering up the 2012 doomsday. But due to a careless scientist, word leaked out. My question is could you give me proof? I want solid evidence. ALSO: If Nibiru is such a hoax on "the internet" then why was it on the History Channel and why don't you guys have censors for such "hoaxes" then? I have four little babies and I think all of the human race deserves to know the truth from you "experts". If it’s real then do the right thing; if not quit letting these hoaxes confuse true issues please.

    It saddens me to keep getting questions about the Nibiru hoax. Other recent letters have even asserted that NASA has posted videos admitting the reality of Nibiru. This is nonsense and shows how little the con-men and conspiracy websites respect the truth. But you don’t need to take my word... More

    Answered Monday, May 4, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    If we find life on Mars based on DNA/RNA, would it support the idea of a shared genesis between Earth and Mars, or is it more likely that life evolved seperately, both with DNA/RNA?

    This is an interesting question, and like all questions about the origin of life, it is difficult to answer. All life on Earth appears to descend from a common ancestor that used RNA/DNA chemistry to control growth and metabolism and to enable reproduction. We have no other examples of life... More

    Answered Friday, May 1, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    Last month i saw 3 meteorites in differents days here in Chile, in Atacama desert... when the meteorites reached the ground they still glowing a few seconds.. if a meteorite hit the ground close to me, and i want to get it, what precaution must i have?

    Wow, that is an amazing claim. I have never heard of a person witnessing a meteorite fall near them, let alone three times within a month. I have also never heard of a meteorite landing hot; the evidence is that they are cold when they reach the ground (for example,... More

    Answered Thursday, April 30, 2009 by David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist

    What is the name or names of the scientific discipline or disciplines that systematically explore and discuss the influence that that the planets in our solar system have on human behavior?

    There is no scientific discipline that deals with the influence on us of the planets in our solar system. That is because there is no scientific evidence that any such planetary influences exist. (Actually, I am part of the very small group for which planetary positions are important; astronomers and... More


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