Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. classroom-activities

  2. Life on Earth....and Elsewhere?

    This booklet, originally produced by NAI in 2000 and updated in 2007, contains five inquiry- and standards-based classroom activities for grades 5-8 and three math extensions spanning topics from Defining Life, to Determining the Chances of Extraterrestrial Life.

    One of the activities, What Makes a World Habitable? utilizes Habitability Cards to investigate the possibility of life elsewhere in the Solar System.

  3. Astrobiology Education Poster

    With gorgeous graphics, supporting background reading, and three inquiry- and standards-based, field tested activities, this poster is a great addition to any middle or high school classroom. It explores the connection between extreme environments on Earth, and potentially habitable environments elsewhere in the Solar System.

    Astrobiology Education Poster small (PDF) large (PDF)

    Science Background Text (PDF)

    Activity 1 Life: What is it? Where is it? (PDF)


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  4. Voyages Through Time

    Voyages Through Time (VTT) is an integrated science curriculum for ninth or tenth grade based on the theme of evolution and delivered on CD-ROM. It’s six modules span the breadth of astrobiology research, from cosmic evolution through the evolution of life, and beyond. In VTT, evolution is defined as cumulative change over time that occurs in all realms of the natural world. The evolutionary scope of VTT is billions...

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  5. Astrobiology, An Integrated Approach

    TERC has developed a middle and high school curriculum that stimulates student learning and participation with intriguing questions and illuminating activities. Astrobiology, by its very nature, kindles interest and curiosity in students and offers a genuinely exciting entrée to high school science. The yearlong curriculum is an inquiry-based, interdisciplinary program of study. Through a series of hands-on activities, students explore diverse concepts in chemistry, physics, biology, and Earth and space science. These...

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  6. Microbes@NASA

    Microbes@NASA is a website loaded with fantastic teaching tools for educators about microbial mats and why NASA is interested in them. Explore the site for a photo gallery, interactive web features in which students can conduct remote experiments on a real microbial mat in a NASA laboratory, numerous classroom activities, and a 7 minute animated film taking you for a ride through a microbial mat (teacher guide included).

  7. Exploring Deep Subsurface Life

    Exploring Deep Subsurface Life Workbook and DVD teaching materials focus on research sites at Harmony Gold Mine in South Africa, and Lupin Gold Mine and High Lake Mine in Nunavut Territory, Canada. The workbook’s imagery invites the audience into the mine sites, and the lessons correspond to the astrobiology research carried out in the deep subsurface. The video and animation materials support and compliment the lessons in the workbook and introduce the...

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  8. Microbial Life Educational Resources

    Microbial Life is a freely accessible digital library dedicated to the diversity, ecology, and evolution of the microbial world. Engage students with hands-on activities and other curriculum-based resources that cover topics such as astrobiology, bioinformatics, extremophiles, and the microbes of marine environments.

    The site contains a variety of educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology. You will find information about microorganisms, extremophiles and extreme habitats, as well as links...

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  9. Astro-Venture

    Astro-Venture is an educational, interactive, multimedia Web environment highlighting NASA careers and astrobiology research in the areas of Astronomy, Geology, Biology and Atmospheric Science. Students in grades five through eight are transported to the future where they role play NASA occupations and use scientific inquiry, as they search for and build a planet with the necessary characteristics for human habitation. Supporting activities include chats with real NASA scientists, online collaborations,...

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