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8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas

This page provides detailed information on designations and classifications of 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas.
  1. Nonattainment Area Selections
    1. Area Listings
      1. Areas by Category/Classification
      2. Sorted by State/Area/County
      3. Sorted by Area/State/County
    2. Area Maps
      1. 8-Hour Ozone County Map of Attainment and Nonattainment Areas in the U.S.
      2. Classification of Counties Designated Nonattainment for 8-Hour Ozone Areas
      3. Individual State Maps with 8-Hour Nonattainment Areas
      4. File of All Nonattainment State Maps in PDF format (.zip)
    3. Area Designation Data
      1. Air Quality Data, Population, Counties

  2. Maintenance Area Selections (Previously Nonattainment Areas)
    1. Area Listings
      1. Classified Areas Sorted by Classification
      2. Sorted by State/Area/County
      3. Sorted by Area/State/County
    2. Area Maps
      1. Individual State Maps with 8-Hour Maintenance Areas
      2. File of All Maintenance State Maps in PDF format (.zip)
    3. Area Designation Data
      1. Air Quality Data, Population, Counties

  3. Other Information
    1. Summary Reports
      1. Nonattainment Area Summary Report
      2. Maintenance Area Summary Report
      3. Nonattainment Area Summary Report w/ History

  4. Early Action Compact Areas (Attainment - Previously Deferred Designation)
  5. Based on air quality data from 2005, 2006 and the first three quarters of 2007, the Denver CO
    Subpart 1 EAC area was designated nonattainment for 8-hour Ozone, effective November 20, 2007
    (72 FR 53952).

    On February 6, 2008, EPA proposed (73 FR 6863) and on April 2, 2008, finalized (73 FR 17897)
    the designation of the remaining 13 Early Action Compact (EAC) Areas as attainment
    for the 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), effective April 15, 2008.

    1. Area Listings
      1. Areas Sorted by Classification
      2. Sorted by State/Area/County
      3. Sorted by Area/State/County
    2. Area Maps
      1. U.S. Map
    3. Area Designation Data
      1. Air Quality Data, Population, Counties
    4. Summary Report
      1. EAC Summary
    5. Federal Register Notices
      1. Relating to EAC Areas

  6. Comparison to Other Standards
    1. 8-Hour and Previous 1-Hour Ozone State/County Detail Report
    2. Sorted by State/Area/County with CO, PM-10, PM-2.5 and Previous 1-hr Ozone Classifications
    3. Sorted by Area/State/County with CO, PM-10, PM-2.5 and Previous 1-hr Ozone Classifications
    4. 8-Hr Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Previous 1-Hr Ozone Areas

  7. 8-Hour Ozone Unclassifiable Areas
    1. Kansas and Missouri 8-Hour Ozone Unclassifiable Area Redesignation Federal Register Notices
    2. [ Proposal (February 10, 2005) ]   [ Final (May 3, 2005) ]
    3. Syracuse NY 8-Hour Ozone Unclassifiable Area Redesignation Federal Register Notices
    4. [ Proposal (July 7, 2005) ]   [ Final (May 15, 2006) ]

  8. Links to Related Topics
    1. More information on 8-hour ozone designations
    2. Early Action Compacts

  9. Federal Register Notices Relating to 8-Hour Ozone Designations and Classifications
    1. Designation Notices
      1. 8-Hour Ozone Designation Federal Register Notice (April 30, 2004)     [ HTML ]   [ PDF ]
      2. 8-Hour Ozone Designation Federal Register Notice (June 18, 2004): Amends April 30, 2004 Notice     [ HTML ]
      3. Phase 2: Final 8-Hour Ozone Implementation Federal Register Notice (November 29, 2005)     [ HTML ]   [ PDF ]
      4. DC Court of Appeals Ozone Implementation Ruling (December 22, 2006)     [ PDF ]
      5. Phase 2 of the Final Rule To Implement the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard--Notice of Reconsideration (June 8, 2007)     [ HTML ]
      6. DC Court of Appeals Ozone Implementation Rehearing (June 8, 2007)     [ PDF ]
      7. Proposed Settlement Agreement: Denver EAC Designation to Nonattainment, Effective November 20, 2007 (October 1, 2007)     [ HTML ]
      8. Proposed Revision on Subpart 1 Area Reclassification and Anti-Backsliding Provisions Under Former 1-Hour Ozone Standard; Proposed Deletion of Obsolete 1-Hour Ozone Standard Provision (January 16, 2009)      [ PDF ]
    2. Other Associated Federal Register Notices
      1. Clean Air/Attainment Determinations
      2. Changes to a Higher Classification
      3. All Federal Register Notices
        1. Notices Listed By Category
        2. Notices Listed By Area Name
        3. Notices Listed By State then Area
        4. Notices Listed By Date

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