USDA Forest Service Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab - Rocky Mountain Research Station
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Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
322 East Front Street
Suite 401
Boise, ID  83702

(208) 373-4340
(208) 373-4391 (FAX)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Research Teams

Watershed Processes logoWatershed Processes

The Watershed Processes Research Team is part of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems Work Unit of the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Boise, ID. The Team members include one Research Hydrologist, two Research Geomorphologists, one post-doctoral Ecologist, and three Professional Support Hydrologists. Current research projects investigate the consequences of disturbance in watersheds to soil productivity, downstream habitat and water quality, and proper management tools to maintain riparian and near slope areas.

We are conducting research on on-site and watershed response to logging, road construction and fire; sediment routing and transport in streams; stream temperature modeling; flow requirements for channel maintenance; groundwater/surface water dynamics and chemistry in mountain riparian zones; effects of sediment and flow dynamics on aquatic habitat; and spatial distribution of snow and snowmelt processes.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Work Unit Description


Fisheries and Watershed Publications


Watershed Personnel

Tom Black, Hydrologist
Carolyn Bohn, Hydrologist
John Buffington, Research Geomorphologist
Matthew Dare, Ecologist
Charlie Luce, Research Hydrologist
Jim McKean, Research Geomorphologist


USDA Forest Service - RMRS - Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
Last Modified:  Friday, 06 March 2009 at 19:52:21 EST

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