USDA Forest Service Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab - Rocky Mountain Research Station


Shrubland Biology
Terrestrial Systems

Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
322 East Front Street
Suite 401
Boise, ID  83702

(208) 373-4340
(208) 373-4391 (FAX)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Research Teams

Fisheries                          Fisheries Team Banner    


Integrated Research on Watershed Processes and Aquatic Ecology to Guide Management of Aquatic Ecosystems and Water and Soil Resources

Mission Statement: Develop knowledge of the biophysical conditions and processes that influence water quality and quantity, aquatic habitat quality, and the distribution, diversity, and persistence of fish and other aquatic species.


Research Work Unit Description


Fisheries and Watershed Publications


Fisheries Team

Gwynne Chandler, Fisheries Biologist
John Guzevich, Fisheries Biologist
Dona Horan, Fisheries Biologist
Dan Isaak, Fish Biologist
Claire McGrath, Postdoctoral Ecologist

Bruce Rieman, Fisheries Research Biologist
Russ Thurow, Fisheries Research Biologist





Of Interest


Bull Trout Recovery: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance


Bull Trout and Climate Change - Risks, Uncertainties and Opportunities for Mapping the Future - Videos and Abstracts at the 2008 Western Division Meeting of the American Fisheries Society


Region 4 - Current Distribution of Aquatic Invasive Species in the Intermountain Region




USDA Forest Service - RMRS - Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab
Last Modified:  Friday, 06 March 2009 at 19:51:02 EST

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