Official Fish & Wildlife Service Logo U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Mountain Prairie Region (Region 6) Division of Human Resources
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People - Our Most Important Resource

HR Side Nav 1
Takes you to the HR Home Page
Takes you to the Employee Relations Page
Takes you to the Employee Development Page
Takes you to the Staffing page
Takes you to the Retirement & Benefits page
Takes you to the Training Page
Takes you to the Mentoring Page
Takes you to the Ethics Page
Takes you to the Staff Directory
Takes you to Student Information



Health Benefits

Life Insurance

Thrift Savings Plan

Employee Express


Retirement Program Information


In general, all permanent employees and employees whose appointments are for more than one year are eligible for retirement coverage. The Federal retirement programs provide for retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Leave Without Pay could impact these benefits.

picture of small calculatorEstimate of CSRS and FERS retirement annuity

You will need:

your Social Security statement

your spouse's Social Security statement

Thrift Savings Plan statement

recent pay stub

Temporary Service or Redeposit Service

General Information
Estimate the amount of your deposit
Forms to make a deposit or redeposit:
SF-2803 Application to Make Deposit (CSRS)
SF-3108 Application to Make Service Credit Payment (FERS)

Military Service Deposit

General Information
Forms to make a deposit or redeposit: 
SF-2803 Application to make a deposit (CSRS)
SF-3108 Application to Make Service Credit Payment (FERS)
RI 90-97 Request for Earnings During the Military Service

Voluntary Contributions (CSRS Only)

General Information

For more information on retirement:
Taxes on U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits
Federal Income tax Withholding
Social Security
Office of Personnel Management's Retirement Programs

Additional Information:
Department of Interior Personnel Manager