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IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)

I-BEAM Text Modules

Renovation and New Construction (PDF, 14 pp, 79KB)

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Text Modules:  Renovation and New Construction

Important actions to protect and improve IAQ during each phase of the design and construction process are presented in this module.


Project Planning and Documentation


Establish IAQ design goals. For example, demonstrate that:


Adequate budget to meet the IAQ design goals and specifications should be planned considering:

Documentation Planning

As documentation accumulates, it should be organized and assembled in durable, moisture-resistant binders. Supplemented by operating and maintenance recommendations, project documentation creates a complete owner’s manual for the building, and is good insurance against liability claims. Include:

Codes and Standards

Identify IAQ codes and standards to be met. For example:

IAQ-Related Documentation during Project Planning

IAQ-related documentation during project planning would include:

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Site Planning and Design

Site Evaluation

Evaluate and document site conditions that can impact IAQ.

Site Design

Plan the building location, orientation, and major site activities on the site to minimize contamination of the indoor environment. Relevant features should be documented, and noted on design drawings.

Locate onsite pollutant sources away from and downwind of air intakes. Roadways, parking, loading areas, trash and chemical storage areas are typical sources.

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Building and HVAC Design

Building Envelope

The building envelope will affect thermal comfort, HVAC capacity requirements, lighting quality (daylight) and view, potential infiltration of outdoor (or underground) contaminants, and moisture.

Space Planning

Plan space uses to maximize the potential for isolating occupants from sources of contaminant through physical distance, physical barriers, exhaust systems, and pressure control.

HVAC Design

General Design Provisions

The HVAC system is critical to the building’s ability to provide thermal comfort and ventilation of building contaminants. Outdoor air ventilation rate and indoor climate conditions should meet the design requirements (e.g., ASHRAE 62-1999 and ASHRAE 55-1992) under all operating conditions, including peak and minimum load.

Plan HVAC zones (with single thermostat) so that the thermal demands of all spaces within each zone are similar during all seasons. When different spaces having different thermal requirements are in the same zone, occupant discomfort is inevitable and solutions to complaints will be difficult (or impossible). Avoid placing thermostats in direct sunlight, near equipment or other heat sources, or on exterior walls.

Plan heating and cooling capacity to satisfy the peak (design) conditions that occur under extreme or worst-case conditions. Capacity requirements should be calculated considering both the sensible (heat) and latent (humidity) loads. Peak latent load may occur at subpeak sensible load. Capacity requirements should be calculated based on the outdoor airflow and thermal comfort requirements adopted in the design goals (e.g. ASHRAE 62-1999 and ASHRAE 55-1992).

Consider separate dehumidification prior to cooling, or energy recovery systems to improve performance and energy efficiency and reduce capacity requirements and therefore first costs. If humidification is needed, steam is preferred as a moisture source. The source of steam should be from potable water to avoid contamination from additives to boiler or steam water supplies.

Energy efficient building design, lighting, and HVAC design can reduce capacity requirements and lower first costs. (Energy Star)

Selected Design Provisions of ASHRAE 62-1999

ASHRAE Standard 62-1999 also identifies specific measures that should be taken to IAQ problems as they relate to the ventilation system. These measures are included elsewhere in I-BEAM, but it is useful to know that they are part of the ASHRAE Standard

Table 6.1 Selected Provisions of ASHRAE Standard 62-1999

Section No. Standard
5.5 Protect make-up air from sources: Make-up air inlets and exhaust air outlets shall be located to avoid contamination of the makeup air. Contaminants from sources such as cooling towers, sanitary vents, vehicular exhaust from parking garages, loading docks, street traffic should be avoided. This is a special problem in buildings where the stack effect draws contaminants from these areas into the occupied spaces.
5.5 Soil gases: Ventilation practices that place crawlspaces, basements, or underground duct work below atmospheric pressure will tend to increase radon concentrations and should be avoided. (1)
5.6 Microbial contamination of ducts: Ventilating ducts and plenums shall be constructed and maintained to minimize the opportunity for growth and dissemination of microorganisms through the ventilation system.
5.7 Stationary indoor sources: collection and removal shall control contaminants from stationary local sources within the space exhaust as close to the source as practicable.
5.8 Fuel-burning appliances: Fuel-burning appliances, including fireplaces located indoors, shall be provided with sufficient air for combustion and adequate removal of combustion gases. The operation of clothes dryers and exhaust fans may require introduction of additional makeup air to avoid interference with fuel-burning appliances.
5.8 Exhaust outlet: Combustion system, kitchen, bathroom, and clothes dryer vents shall not be exhausted into attics, crawlspaces, or basements
5.11 Relative humidity to control microorganisms: Relative humidity in habitable spaces preferably should be maintained between 30% and 60% to minimize growth of allergenic or pathogenic organisms.
5.12 Microbial contamination in HVAC equipment: air handling unit condensate pans shall be designed for self-drainage to preclude the buildup of microbial slime. Provisions shall be made for periodic in-situ cleaning of cooling coils and condensate pans.
5.12 Humidifier controls: Steam is preferred as a moisture source for humidifiers, but care should be exercised to avoid contamination from boiler water or steam supply additives. If cold water humidifiers are specified, the water should originate from a potable source. Care should be taken to avoid particulate contamination due to evaporation of spray water.
6 Contaminants: Indoor air should not contain contaminants that exceed concentrations known to impair health or cause discomfort to occupants. Exhausted sources: Rooms provided with exhaust air systems, such as kitchens, baths, toilet rooms, and smoking lounges, may utilize air supplied through adjacent habitable spaces to compensate for the exhausted air.
6.1, Table 2 Office equipment: Some office equipment may require local exhaust.
Forward Operation of the building: Conditions specified in the Standard must be achieved during operation of buildings as well as in the design.
5.12 Preventive Maintenance: Air handling and fan coil units shall be easily accessible for inspection and preventive maintenance.
(1) This is true of any soil gas, such as sewer gases, or VOCs from underground storage tanks, contaminants for solid waste dumps, etc.

HVAC Commissioning (Pre-Design and Design Phase)

See ASHRAE Guideline 1-1996, The HVAC Commissioning Process for detailed recommendations.

HVAC Commissioning Planning

Reports and submittals

Exhaust of Indoor Sources and Pressure Control of Sources (Also see Section in HVAC Chapter)

Where major indoor sources are expected, exhaust ventilation and proper pressure control should be planned. Systems with direct exhaust from sources that also generate heat (e.g. copy machines) may also reduce HVAC energy requirements.

General Air Circulation and Pressure Differentials

The patterns of air circulation and flow, between outdoors and indoors, from basements and crawl spaces, between floors, and between spaces on each floor may be more important to IAQ than the HVAC system or system components. Air circulation patterns showing areas of positive and negative pressure should be drawn for the building as a whole, and for all occupied spaces and major source areas.

The flow of outdoor air into the building must be planned to slightly exceed the total airflow out of the building from all exhausts, combustion flues, and stack effect exfiltration to insure that the building is positively pressurized, to avoid infiltration of outdoor pollutants. (In cold climates the risk of condensation in the building envelope increases if the building is pressurized so that moisture control may be the dominant concern in planning pressure relationships.)

Consider air flow and pressure relationships under worst case scenarios (e.g. kitchen exhaust fans running full in cafeteria. Consider the effect on a neighboring print room, or a boiler room where backdrafting of the flue is a possibility.

Avoid underground ducts or a duct through crawl spaces where possible.

Prefer ducted returns. Non-ducted returns complicate system balancing resulting in the potential for areas of stagnant air, undesirable pressure relationships, and contamination of the return airflow.

Develop a program statement that defines the range of possible occupant densities, activities and layouts to allow the designer to plan flexibility or sufficient capacities for future changes. Specify alterations to the system that can be accommodated under the HVAC design used, and what changes to the system would be required.

Carefully analyze location of supply and return air grills for all occupied spaces, as well as the throw capacity of diffusers, and airflow pathways. Map the anticipated airflow patterns to insure proper air mixing (or plug flow airflow if that is planned). Avoid short-circuiting of supply air to return air. Also avoid dead spaces (e.g. provide for a 2-3 inch air space between the floor and workstation partitions to facilitate air circulation).


Particle pollutants cause mucus membrane irritation and other effects, and can foul ventilation system components and reduce efficiencies. Fine particles comprise only a small portion of the total particle mass, but constitute the overwhelming majority of the number of particles. Filtering larger particles is most important for protecting equipment, while filtration of finer particles is most important for human health and comfort.

Filtration efficiency for a given filter will vary with particle size. Thus, a filter rated as 40% efficient by the ASHRAE dust spot method will have about that efficiency for large (above 2.5 microns) and very small (0.01 microns and less) but have close to zero efficiency at 0.1 to 0.5 microns.

Air Cleaning

Air cleaning may be considered as a means of control for specific contaminants experienced from a nearby outdoor source, or an unusual indoor source. Air cleaning mediums (e.g. treated charcoal, potassium permanganate) should be chosen carefully to insure effective target contaminant removal.

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Materials Evaluation and Selection

Selecting Materials

Work with manufacturers to select products with the desired emission profile, and develop a strategy to minimize building contamination during installation. Require information about emissions from manufacturers. Manufacturers have both a marketing and liability motivation to test their products. Testing laboratories and emission testing protocols are rapidly developing. In selecting materials, investigate the materials potential to pollute the indoor environment in four key areas:

  1. Release of particles, fibers, or chemicals inherent in the material selected.
  2. Potential ability of chemical molecules or particles in the air to adsorb (physically attached) to the material and be released later (e.g. during warm weather or when disturbed).
  3. Potential for microbial growth on material surfaces.
  4. Maintenance or refurbishing requirements requiring chemical treatment that can become pollution sources.

Strategies for Selection and Installation of Materials

Select and/or negotiate for materials with low emissions and quick decay rates where possible. Use this information to determine strategies for the sequence of installation and the ventilation strategies during installation. Negotiate pre-shipment storage techniques that accelerate emissions of partitions, carpets and similar materials prior to installation. Sometimes perforated containers can serve to facilitate off gassing during shipment.

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Many IAQ problems occur as a result of poor construction practices, change orders, or field orders. Monitoring all work is critical to good IAQ.

Monitoring the Construction/Renovation Process

Monitor field orders, shop drawings, and change orders impacting IAQ specifications and designs. Check deviations from construction documents. Monitor IAQ specifications during progress by inspections, and check that products and materials specified are being used.

Emission Control During Construction/Renovation

Protect current and future occupants during construction.

Isolation of Construction/Renovation Contaminants When Occupants are Present

An isolation strategy is usually a necessary condition for effective IAQ control, but it is made more feasible to achieve when pollutant emissions are also controlled through material selection and installation strategies.

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After Construction

Check the Building Envelope

Check the integrity of the entire building envelope by performing the following:

Commissioning of HVAC System (Construction Phase)

Proper commissioning in the construction phase insures that the building is built correctly and that it works right before occupancy. See ASHRAE Guideline 1-1996, The HVAC Commissioning Process for detailed recommendations.

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Initial Occupancy After or During Construction/Renovation

Protocol for Ventilation System Operation under Initial Occupancy Conditions

Special HVAC strategies should be employed for an extended period after initial occupancy.

HVAC Verification under Occupancy Conditions

Verify system components are all operational and system meets performance requirements under all operating conditions (full and part load) when the building is occupied.

Indoor Air Quality Evaluation

Evaluate IAQ by conducting a building walkthrough to identify problems. Talk to occupants to identify problems.

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