NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “nai uh team

  2. Discovering Earth-like Exoplanets

    In this week’s Science, astrobiologists from NAI’s University of Hawai’i Team review the prospects for discovering smaller planets more like Earth, some of which may even have conditions suitable for life. Improved techniques and the ability to monitor fainter stars now enable astronomers to discover smaller planets, particularly planets orbiting much closer to their host star than the Earth is to the Sun. This review article is based on an NAI-supported session at the May, 2007 meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

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  3. NAI Scientists Successfully Drill into Subglacial Lake

    Last month, scientists from NAI’s University of Hawai’i Team, in collaboration with Icelandic research institutes, successfully drilled into and sampled a lake deep beneath a glacier in Iceland. The lake and other subglacial lakes are the focus of studies of life in “extreme environments,” and may resemble potential habitats on Mars and icy satellites in the outer Solar System

    Source: [Link]

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