Congressman Weiner RSS en-us NEWS: WEINER ANNOUNCES THE REOPENING OF THE CROWN OF STATUE OF LIBERTY Rep. Weiner said, “There is no greater birthday present for America than to reopen Lady Liberty from her toes to her crown." NEWS: WEINER INVITES PRESIDENT OBAMA TO BE FIRST TO TOUR THE NEWLY REOPENED CROWN OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY Rep. Weiner said, "Reopening the crown of Lady Liberty on the 4th of July will restore a quintessential New York and American experience and is a momentous event which embodies America’s renewed commitment to diplomacy with the world." <a href="" target="_blank">Weiner to Announce the Reopening of the Crown of the Statue of Liberty</a> NEWS: WEINER CALLS ON AIRLINES TO WAIVE CHANGE FEES FOR ILL PASSENGERS WHO DELAY TRAVEL Rep. Weiner said, “It’s bad enough to suffer through the symptoms of this virus. But punishing those who follow the rules and choose not to travel adds insult to injury. Waiving these fees is a simple solution and will go a long way towards easing the burden of passengers who do the right thing.” NEWS: REP. WEINER URGES PRESIDENT OBAMA TO APPOINT THE FIRST LATINO TO THE SUPREME COURT Rep. Weiner said, "I urge President Obama to seize this opportunity to make a historic selection by nominating a Hispanic to the nation’s highest court." NEWS: WEINER STATEMENT ON REP. FOXX’S HATEFUL COMMENTS AGAINST MATTHEW SHEPARD “Rep. Foxx dishonors the memory of a young man whose life was brutally cut short by hatred. This is the kind of ignorance that drove Sen. Arlen Specter away from the Republican party. The passage of the hate crimes bill demonstrates the need to move forward, not backwards, toward greater unity and progress.” NEWS: HOUSE PASSES LAW TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR SHOPPERS TO UNDERSTAND STORE CREDIT CARD FINES AND FEES Rep. Weiner said, “Retailers promise big savings – but they’re doling out big bills on customers. When it comes to store credit cards, shoppers should leave home without them. But now, if they use them, shoppers will know exactly what they’re getting into.” NEWS: WEINER STATEMENT ON THE 61ST ANNIVERSARY OF ISRAEL’S INDEPENDENCE Rep. Weiner said, "Today I join Israel and members of the Jewish community in Queens and Brooklyn in celebrating this anniversary." NEWS: BROOKLYN RESIDENTS “WARM UP” TO STIMULUS MONEY Rep. Weiner said, “This smart, energy efficient investment will improve the quality of life for Brooklyn residents. I am thrilled that many of the efforts I was involved with have borne fruit for Brooklynites.” NEWS: WEINER STATEMENT ON SENATE CONFIRMATION OF SEBELIUS AS HHS SECRETARY Rep. Weiner said, “With Americans struggling with the high cost and the lack of access to affordable health care, Governor Sebelius is a great choice. She understands first-hand the health care burden localities are carrying and its drain on families. As the leader in our push to expand quality, affordable care to all Americans, Gov. Sebelius will bring a focus and leadership exactly when our nation, our economy, and our citizens desperately need it." NEWS: REP. WEINER STATEMENT ON TODAY'S PHOTO-OP FLYOVER IN MANHATTAN "It is a debacle all around – whether it be the Department of Defense thinking it is a good idea to buzz ground zero with fighter planes or the Federal Aviation Administration ordering it be kept quiet or New York City officials keeping us all in the dark. It was simply a bone headed thing to do. And all this for a photo op?" NEWS: REP. WEINER ANNOUNCES CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ON SWINE FLU Rep. Weiner released a letter to Representative Frank Pallone, Jr, Chairman of the Health Subcommittee, urging immediate hearings to examine the success of the steps that the federal government has taken and all future precautionary measures that should be taken. The hearings have now been set for Thursday, April 30. NEWS: SEN. SCHUMER AND REP. WEINER ANNOUNCE THAT BREEZY POINT BEACH CLUBS WILL STAY OPEN Rep. Weiner said, “For 45 years, generations of families have flocked to Silver Gull to enjoy the beach, swim in the pools, and take part in community events. Preserving this jewel in the middle of our urban jungle will help the local economy thrive and is a major win for everyone.” NEWS: HOUSE PASSES BILL TO ADD 50,000 COPS TO COMMUNITIES NATIONWIDE Rep. Weiner says, “Our safety challenges can't take a backseat to our economic ones. More cops mean less violent crimes and greater vigilance against terrorism – and now the feds will help pay for them.” NEWS: EARTH DAY SUCCESS STORY - 50 ACRES OF JAMAICA BAY MARSHLAND SAVED Rep. Weiner said, “These marshlands are the very foundation of this ecosystem. They are havens for insects, attract clams and support fish and birds. For years, concerned residents and environmentalists have warned us that they are disappearing. We can say now that the marshlands are coming back.” NEWS: NEW STUDY: MORE NEW YORKERS PAYING HALF THEIR INCOME FOR RENT Rep. Weiner said, “If New York City is going to continue as the middle class capital of the world, then middle class families must have affordable places to live. It’s time for the federal government to get back in the business of creating affordable housing.” NEWS: WEINER TO NFL: HONOR JEWISH HIGH HOLY DAYS Rep. Weiner said, "The easy solution is to move the games and honor the holy days. There's no reason why the largest Jewish community in the country should be punished because of a scheduling snafu." The Stimulus Plan: What it Means for You NEWS: NEW SPIKE IN METER RATES AND PARKING FINES HURT NYC SMALL BUSINESSES Rep. Weiner said, “Queens shoppers are being nickel-and-dimed at the expense of small businesses. We want to help local neighborhood stores, not drive shoppers away.” NEWS: NEW DATA SHOWS COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID APPLICATIONS HAVE SKYROCKETED IN HARD TIMES Rep. Weiner said, “A college education should create opportunity for the middle class, not debt and bad credit. The federal government has a responsibility to help students help themselves by making a college education more affordable.”