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Economic research and analysis

Two broad categories of research and analysis material are produced by the WTO: regular assessments of the global trade picture in the WTO annual publications and research reports on specific topics. The WTO also organizes regular economic seminars.

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See also:
Reviews of member governments’ trade policies
World Trade Review

Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation: 45 Case Studies

News  back to top


Annual publications  back to top

The WTO publishes four annual publications:

WTO Annual Report
The organization's annual report to its members and the public on institutional matters, including descriptions of its main activities and information on its budget and staff.

World Trade Report
The main WTO research publication on global trade policy, with special topics, analysis, and new developments.

International Trade Statistics
The WTO's annual compilation of global trade statistics.

World Tariff Profiles
An annual compilation of bound and applied tariffs, prepared by the WTO, ITC and UNCTAD.

Trade profiles
This booklet is a quick source for national and trade statistics of WTO Members and countries which are in the process of negotiating WTO membership.


Research reports  back to top

Special studies

The purpose of the special studies of the Economic Research and Statistics Division is to use economics and economic research in order to help structure the discussion of issues of relevance to the WTO.

WTO discussion papers

These papers prepared by WTO professionals and contributors from organizations which work with the WTO are meant to stimulate discussion on specific issues dealing with the multilateral trading system. They are reviewed by the WTO for the quality of their content but the opinions expressed are those of the authors.

WTO staff working papers

These working papers represent research in progress. They reflect the opinions of individual staff members, and are the product of professional research. They do not necessarily represent the Secretariat’s view but are circulated as part of the critical review that is necessary to ensure WTO research meets high academic standards, and for the maintenance and development of the staff’s professional skills.


Links to other policy, research and data sites  back to top

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> New publication: Multilateralizing Regionalism: Challenges for the Global Trading System

A multimedia presentation on The WTO: Economic Underpinnings

ILO and WTO Secretariat issue joint study on trade and employment

Guide to downloading files

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland