XMM-Newton Users Handbook

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A..2 SciSim Graphical User Interface

SciSim can be executed from both the command line and from a specially developed set of GUIs. These GUIs pop-up parameters dialogues for the different components of SciSim. The top-level SciSim GUI is presented in Fig. 106. It offers several click-on buttons for choosing operations.

Figure 106: The top-level GUI of the XMM-Newton Science Simulator (SciSim), presenting a field of view on the sky that will display any emitting sources that can be chosen from catalogues or defined by the user.

Moving the mouse onto widgets showing parameters whose values can be typed in from the keyboard (e.g., RA,DEC) will tip a very brief description of the parameter and the units SciSim expects for it.

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre