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Indiana Supreme Court
Self-Service Legal Center
Photo: Indiana Supreme Court Justices

Assisting the Indiana Judicial System:
Solutions to Self-Representation (PDF)

Pro Se Advisory Committee Members

NEW: Informational Video for Self Represented Litigants Debuts on Indiana Supreme Court Website

Mission Statement
"To ensure access to the judicial system by providing basic resources to self-represented individuals by establishing the usage of self-help court forms and encouraging local courts to develop their own pro se assistance programs."

About Indiana Pro Se and the Self-Service Legal Project
Indiana courts and court clerks handle more than 1.5 million cases per year, ranging from capital murder cases and multi-million dollar corporate lawsuits, to divorces, minor traffic infractions and rental disputes. The cost and importance of these cases vary greatly from case to case depending on the circumstances and the people involved. More often than not, people utilize the services of an attorney to help them in these matters. However, the Indiana Supreme Court recognizes the fact that in some instances people involved in litigation choose not to utilize the services of an attorney.

15-member committee
In response, the Indiana Supreme Court has laid the groundwork for a statewide pro se assistance network to provide basic resources to self-represented litigants. The Supreme Court created the Indiana Pro Se Advisory Committee in response to the growing national phenomenon of people choosing to represent themselves without lawyers. The Advisory Committee was appointed to make recommendations to the Supreme Court on the issues of pro se litigation; to develop a comprehensive strategy plan for future pro se efforts; and to help trial courts respond to the growing numbers of the self-represented. The Committee also provides basic resources to pro se litigants including uniform, statewide pro se forms (some forms are available in Spanish); it encourages local courts to develop their own pro se assistance programs; and it works with the Pro Se Project Director. The Indiana Pro Se Advisory Committee is comprised of judicial officers, county clerks, Bar representatives, legal services providers, librarians, and other community members. The Division of State Court Administration houses and administers the Project with the help of David Remondini, Counsel to the Chief Justice.

The Role of this Web-site
This website has been designed to provide valuable information, court forms, and various resources to those persons wishing to represent themselves in court. It should be noted, however, that self-representation should not be taken lightly, and that there are many instances in which retaining an attorney is highly advisable. In fact, we suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site that you still consult with an attorney prior to submitting them to a court.

The Self-Service Legal Center contains plenty of information to help you help yourself. You will find various court forms required by the courts and instructions on completing them. You will also find various court forms and other useful documents that have been translated into Spanish with the help of the Indiana Hispanic Law Project. This website will also show you different ways to find an attorney to assist you with your case; an explanation of mediation and a list of certified mediators; suggestions on preparing for court; items that court staff can and cannot help you with; web links to legal dictionaries and other legal materials; links to various courts in Indiana and the United States; and links to other self-service sites.

Contact Us
Questions, suggestions or comments about this project should be directed to:

Camille Wiggins, Staff Attorney
(317) 232-2542

If you have any questions about the forms contained herein, please consult an attorney for advice. The Project's Director cannot offer legal advice.

Thank you!