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Minnesota National Guard Once Again Accepts the Call of History

By John Kline
Since our state’s earliest days as a frontier territory, Minnesotans have stepped forward to protect and defend their fellow citizens and our great nation. From their start as a State Militia to their most recent mission as protectors of our nation’s capitol and our new president during last month’s inauguration, the Minnesota National Guard has always stood ready to serve its state and country.
This week, more than 1,000 members of the Minnesota National Guard are departing for pre-deployment training in Fort Lewis, Wash., as the Guard’s 34th Infantry Division prepares to take command of 16,000 coalition forces in eight of Iraq’s 18 provinces. Upon completion of their training, members of Minnesota’s famed “Red Bulls” are due to arrive in Iraq sometime in April.
Minnesota’s Red Bulls are being called upon for a unique and critical mission: to support the transfer of authority to the citizens of Iraq. The goal is bold, but they are equipped for success. While deployed to Iraq, the Red Bulls will provide leadership, command, logistics, and communication support for four active-duty brigades of multinational coalition forces. They will partner with more than 40,000 members of the Iraqi Security Forces.
While larger groups of Minnesota Guard troops have been deployed to Iraq, Bosnia, and Kosovo, the scope of this mission is unprecedented for the modern Minnesota National Guard. This historic mobilization marks the first time since World War II that a two-star command has deployed from Minnesota to lead active component ground forces in a combat zone.
As members of our state’s National Guard, they have proudly served alongside their active duty and reserve compatriots when called upon by the federal government to defend America and fight freedom’s cause. And as National Guardsmen, they have served our Minnesota neighbors in times of crisis and need.
It is this record of sacrifice and dedication to a cause greater than themselves that gives us confidence in their ability to successfully – and, God willing, safely – execute their critical mission. This week, they again accept the call of history and shoulder the burden of responsibility to move this world toward peace.
As members of the Minnesota Guard mobilize in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, we can rest assured national guardsmen and reserve units deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan will receive the support they need during their reintegration process through the “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” program developed by the Minnesota National Guard. This unique combat veteran reintegration program, which is so-named to remind us all that support for our veterans cannot end when they return from deployment and the yellow ribbons are untied, has proven an effective means of preparing every combat veteran and their family for a safe, healthy, and successful reintegration.  
Collectively, Minnesotans have been stepping up to ensure that soldiers and their families are provided the assistance they need. Recently, the city of Farmington was declared the first “Yellow Ribbon City” in the state of Minnesota for the community’s efforts to support its troops.

Last year, legislation I championed was signed into law making the Minnesota Guard’s reintegration program available to units nationwide. Minnesotans have been trailblazers in easing the transition for the men and women who protect and defend our nation. We in Congress must follow their lead. As the husband of a career Army nurse, the father of a son who has served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a 25-year Marine Corps veteran, I consider it one of my greatest duties in Congress to ensure we keep our promises to our veterans of today and tomorrow.
The Minnesota National Guard has helped guarantee generations of Americans the freedom and security that we enjoy.We commend members of the Red Bulls for their service, we continue to pray for their safety, and we salute them – today and every day.
John Kline represents the Second District in the U.S. House of Representatives. In his fourth term in Congress, he is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, the Armed Services Committee, the Ethics Committee, and the Education and Labor Committee.