Congressional Page Program

The U.S. House of Representatives offers an exciting opportunity for students to participate as Congressional Pages during their junior year of high school. Pages are hired to serve as helpers for the U.S. House of Representatives. This unique program gives participants the opportunity to meet students from around the U.S., attend special classes and seminars at the Page School, and serve the country's leaders while working in the House of Representatives.

What is the Page Program?

The U.S. House of Representatives offers an exciting opportunity for students to participate as Congressional Pages during their junior year of high school. Pages are hired to serve as helpers for the U.S. House of Representatives. This unique program gives participants the opportunity to meet students from around the U.S., attend special classes and seminars at the Page School, and serve the country's leaders while working in the House of Representatives.

Currently, 72 young men and women are appointed by their Member of Congress to serve as pages in the U.S. House of Representatives. Forty-eight slots are reserved for Republican Pages. The Page Program offers four different sessions: two summer sessions and the fall/spring academic school year. The first summer session will begin the first week of June and the second summer session will begin the first week of July.

How do I apply to become a Page?

Applications for summer 2009 and the Fall/Spring 2009/10 school year will be available in February 2009. However, it is never too early to begin writing the essay and gathering letters of recommendation. For further information, please contact our Washington D.C office by calling or writing to:

Congressman Mike Turner
Attn: Page Program
1740 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Please keep in mind that Pages are employees of the U.S. House of Representatives, and are an important part of the legislative process. Before making your decision to become a Page, it is imperative that you understand that all family activities, as well as home school and community activities, which would interrupt your Page school and or work activities must be put on hold until you are no longer a page. Pages will not be permitted to return home to attend family reunions, parent promotion ceremonies, family trips, home school activities such as conferences, sport events, proms, etc., if they occur during the school and or work week.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Page Program?

What can I expect to experience?

Where will I live while I participate in the Page Program?

How do I apply to become a Page?