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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Fungal Endophytes of Maize: Gene Products Conferring Resistance to Aflatoxin and Fumonisin

Location: Mycotoxin Research

Title: Sporminarins a and B: Antifungal Metabolites from a Fungicolous Isolate of Sporormiella Minimoides.

item Mudur, Sanjay - UNIVERSITY OF IOWA
item Gloer, James - UNIVERSITY OF IOWA
item Wicklow, Donald

Submitted to: Journal of Antibiotics
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: August 16, 2006
Publication Date: August 30, 2006
Citation: Mudur, S.V., Gloer, J.B., Wicklow, D.T. 2006. Sporminarins A and B: antifungal metabolites from a fungicolous isolate of sporormiella minimoides. Journal of Antibiotics. 59(8):500-506.

Interpretive Summary: Fungi that parasitize and kill other fungi offer a potential source of novel antifungal agents useful to agriculture and medicine. The fungus Sporormiella minimoides NRRL 37629, encountered as a colonist of a wood decay fungus growing on a dead hardwood branch, collected in a subalpine forest in Hawaii County, Hawaii, was examined for its ability to produce antifungal agents and other bioactive metabolites. Sporminarin A is reported as a new fungal metabolite with significant antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus.

Technical Abstract: Cultures of a fungicolous isolate of Sporormiella minimoides afforded two new polyketide metabolites which we have named sporminarins A (1) and B (2). The planar structures of 1 and 2 were elucidated by analysis of NMR and MS data, and by chemical methods. Sporminarin A (1) exhibited significant antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus.


Project Team
Wicklow, Donald
Kendra, David
Naumann, Todd
Brown, Daren
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Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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