Space Day in Your Neighborhood

Space Day was May 2, 2008.

The theme this year, "50 Years of NASA History," marked the golden anniversary of the historic organization.
Space Day was observed in communities around the country, and even around the world. More than a hundred events were held in local communities, which is four times the number in past years. Additionally, more than 20,000 people attended the national Space Day event at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on May 3.
Thanks to all who helped make this the best Space Day ever.
All those who added their signatures for the Student Signatures in Space initiative, look for your signature to fly on STS-126, which is currently scheduled for launch in November 2008.


Orion's Path online interactive lab and lessons.
Include the interactive lab Orion's Path to your classroom (requires a login).
See the moon as you've never seen it before, and fly there on Orion --- the spacecraft that will take future explorers into space. Moon phases, eclipses, craters, tides, and the dark side --- all come to light in this lively lesson with NASA astronaut LeRoy Chiao, host Katrina Miller, and University of Colorado Professor David Klaus. In virtual labs, drive a lunar rover on moon rocks, and make your own oxygen and water from resources that you find in space. Flying to the moon and meeting the challenges of survival in space is a fantastic learning experience in Orion’s Path.