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Jack on the Floor - Democrat Budget
04/30/2009 Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) speaks on the floor of the House during debate on the Democrat budget resolution which nearly triples the national debt over ten years, uses gimmicks to hide the outrageous spending, and abuses the budget process to force through major changes in health care and student loans, and possibly the President's cap and tax proposal as well. In his speech, Congressman Kingston highlights the hypocrisy of the Democrat argument that out of control spending is completely to blame on President Bush and congressional Republicans.

VIDEO: Low resolution (RealMedia)

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Democrats do the Crawfish
04/01/2009 Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today spoke on the House floor about House Democrats' efforts to "crawfish" from the problems they created. After passing an unconstitutional bill of attainder last week to block the AIG bonuses which they allowed, they're at it again trying to fix the problems they created. As you may remember, Senators Wyden (D-Ore.) and Snowe (R-Maine) successfully added an amendment that would block excessive bonuses to executives at bailed out firms. Senator Dodd, however, worked under the direction of the Obama Administration to have that language stripped before it was signed into law.

VIDEO: Low resolution (WindowsMedia)

Jack on the Floor - A Bicycle Made for Two (Upper class neighborhoods that is)
03/24/2009 Jack took to the floor this afternoon to discuss the latest spending boondoggle for House Democrats. What now, you ask? They’ve allocated $3 million for two of DC’s upper class neighborhoods - Adams Morgan and Georgetown - to install new bicycle racks and to purchase 400 new bicycles. Why is the federal government purchasing 400 new bicycles for two of DC’s poshest neighborhoods? House Democrats are intent on spending too much, borrowing too much and taxing too much.

AUDIO: (RealMedia)

Jack on the Floor - "The Party of Owe"
03/17/2009 Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) speaking on the House floor in regards to the spending habits of House Democrats.

VIDEO: Low resolution (WindowsMedia)

03/06/2009 Jack speaks on the House floor regarding House Democrats' spenidng habits.

VIDEO: Low resolution (WindowsMedia)

02/25/2009 Jack's statement on President Obama's address to a joint session of Congress.


Jack on the Floor - Democrat Omnibus
02/25/2009 Jack discussing the Democrat omnibus spending package on the House floor

VIDEO: Low resolution (RealMedia)

Jack on Lou Dobbs Radio Show
02/13/2009 Congressman Jack Kingston on Lou Dobbs Radio show discussing the Democrats' "stimulus" legislation and the lack of protections for American workers. The final bill stripped a provision inserted by Congressman Kingston which would ensure that all jobs created as a result of the bill went to legal American workers.

AUDIO: (RealMedia)

Jack on the Floor
01/28/2009 Jack discusses his opposition to the economic "stimulus" package offered by House Democrats.

AUDIO: (RealMedia)

Congressman Kingston on Lou Dobbs Radio
01/27/2009 Congressman Kingston on Lou Dobbs Radio discussing his efforts to ensure that illegal immigrants do not benefit from the economic "stimulus" bill proposed by House Democrats.

AUDIO: (RealMedia)

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