Long-Term Data Storage

June 20, 2003 - Do you have data from a non-GOES automatic weather station stored in a safe place? Is the storage plan going to last forever (or close to it)? Perhaps you have old data stored on disks or on a PC, or worse yet, it's been lost! If this sounds familiar, have we got a deal for you!

While we can't recover lost data, we can help protect you from future data losses, and ensure long-term access to the data. If your storage method fails, we will have a backup for you, and best yet, it's FREE! As the archive for RAWS data, the Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) is willing and interested to ingest any RAWS that wasn't transmitted due to transmitter failure or other transmission problems, or for the period of time that the station was not GOES-telemetered. Data that has been manually downloaded to a computer in the field or otherwise and wasn't transmitted may be sent to WRCC for inclusion in the RAWS database. Ascii files with any necessary data format descriptions will be acceptable. Preferrable formats are comma or space delimited, but others can be accomodated. Even some spreadsheet formats might be acceptable. Any data that didn't get sent to WIMS can be included. Data files may be emailed to wrcc@dri.edu. If files are larger than email will accomodate, contact the Climate Center at wrcc@dri.eduand they will provide instructions for ftp.