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News and Resources from House Republicans

"Stimulus" Fails to Deliver the Relief the President Promised

THAT WAS THEN: On February 12, President Obama visited employees at an Illinois Caterpillar plant and said, "when they [Congress]...

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April 02, 2009
Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was thenFor years, House Democrats criticized the Bush White House for proposing a five-year budget:Then-Ranking Member John Spratt, February...

April 02, 2009
Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was then...Democrats criticized a budget that “excluded” a permanent fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)… House Budget Chairman...

March 24, 2009
Who Will Be the President’s Straw Man Tonight?

Even the Washington Post has reported on the President's use of straw man tactics to scare away criticisms of his...

March 19, 2009
Democrats’ False Hope for Change

As Republicans fought to protect taxpayers from $350 billion in additional Wall Street bailouts, Democrats assured the American people President...

March 17, 2009
A False Sense of Confidence

It was JUST TWO WEEKS AGO that the Administration said it was "confident" it knew how AIG was spending taxpayer...

March 11, 2009
Obama vs. Obama - Spending

President Obama once criticized out-of-control spending and “enormous deficits” but...President Obama once criticized an “orgy of spending and enormous deficits”Then-Candidate...

March 06, 2009
Obama vs. Obama - Foreign Policy

President Obama said he would stand in “solidarity” with the people in Eastern Europe but…Then-Candidate Obama said he would stand...

March 05, 2009
Obama vs. Obama - Health Care

President Obama said government-run health care was “extreme” and “wrong” but…Then-Candidate Obama said government- run health care was “extreme” and...

March 04, 2009
Obama vs. Obama - Earmarks

President Obama says he supports slashing earmarks and making all spending decisions open to the public…President Obama Pledges to Bring...

March 03, 2009
Obama vs. Obama - Taxes

President Obama promises that taxpayers making less than $250,000 would not have their taxes "increased a single dime."President Barack Obama:...

March 03, 2009
The President’s "Radical Agenda"

"We have an agenda in this country now that I would regard as being a radical agenda. I think that...

February 26, 2009
Dem Rebukes Her Own Leaders On Housing Bailout, Cram-down

While the Democrat Leaders were forced to pull their housing bailout, cram-down legislation at the last minute (Blue-Dogs barking?), Ohio...

February 25, 2009
A Tale of Two Presidents

President Obama Opposes Big Government President Barack Obama: “Not because I believe in bigger government – I don’t.” (Statement Before a...

February 12, 2009
Promise To End Era Of Secrecy Is Broken


February 03, 2009
What They're Saying: Republicans Have A "Legitimate" Objection To Democrat "Stimulus" Plan

"... the economic measures racing through Congress would devote tens of billions of dollars to causes that have little to...