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'Worn Idea' the American People Are Tired of is 'Runaway Federal Spending'

"Worn Idea" the American People Are Tired of is "Runaway Federal Spending"

FEBRUARY 9, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday and talked about the Democrats' massive stimulus spending bill:
"[Harvard Economist] Martin Feldstein now says it's an $800 billion mistake.  With all due respect to the President of the United States, the ideas, the worn-out ideas that the American people are tired of is runaway federal spending.
"I believe the American people rejected that under Republican control, and I believe that's the reason why support for this stimulus bill is collapsing by the hour.  The American people know we can't borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy.
"The only thing this bill's going to stimulate is more government and more debt. There is a time-honored way to stimulate the economy.  John F.  Kennedy knew it, Ronald Reagan knew it.  When the towers fell in 2001, President George W. Bush knew it.  And, that is to give the American people more of their hard-earned tax dollars. Tax relief for working families and small businesses, married with...some appropriate investments in infrastructure, and certainly make sure unemployment insurance is covered.  But, the centerpiece of any effective stimulus bill that's ever been passed by Congress in the recent past has been tax relief."

NOTE: To view the entire transcript click here.


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