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Found 16 studies with search of: "Biosite" [Exact]
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1 Completed BRAIN (Biomarker Rapid Assessment of Ischemic iNjury)
Conditions: Stroke;   Stroke Mimic(Conditions Presenting With Stroke-Like Conditions)
2 Active, not recruiting Evaluation of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) in Early and Evolving Acute Kidney Injury
Condition: Kidney Failure, Acute
3 Terminated Rapid Assessment of Cardiac Markers for the Evaluation of Acute Coronary Syndrome (RACE-ACS)
Condition: Acute Coronary Syndrome
Intervention: Device: Triage CardioProfilER (Troponin I, Myoglobin, CK-MB, BNP)
4 Terminated Multi-Marker INDex for the Risk Assessment of Sepsis in the Emergency departmenT (MINDSET)
Condition: Sepsis
Intervention: Procedure: Blood samples collected
5 Recruiting Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipcalin(NGAL): A Novel Blood Marker for Determining the Risk of Developing Contrast-Induced Nephopathy
Condition: Cardiovascular Surgery With Coronary Angiography
6 Completed SHORTness of Breath In the Emergency Department (SHORTIE)
Conditions: Acute Myocardial Infarction;   Heart Failure;   Pulmonary Embolism
Intervention: Device: Triage Profiler S.O.B. Panel
7 Not yet recruiting Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) Evaluation in Emergency Department (ED) All-Comers
Condition: Acute Kidney Injury
8 Terminated Rapid Emergency Department Heart Failure Outpatient Trial (REDHOT II)
Condition: Heart Failure
Intervention: Device: Triage BNP Test
9 Recruiting Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipcalin (NGAL) Evaluation Along With B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Acutely Decompensated HF
Condition: Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
10 Recruiting Myeloperoxidase and Multi-Markers In the Diagnosis of Diagnoses of Acute Coronary Syndrome (MIDAS) - Sample Procurement
Condition: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
Intervention: Device: Biomarkers
11 Terminated Rapid Assessment of Bedside BNP In Treatment of Heart Failure (RABBIT)
Condition: Heart Failure
Intervention: Device: Triage® B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Test
12 Recruiting Triage Now: an Observational, Prospective Multimarker Study of Biomarkers in Patients Presenting With Chest Pain
Conditions: Acute Coronary Syndrome;   Myocardial Infarction
13 Active, not recruiting Correlations Between BNP & Dry Weight, and Between Troponin & Mortality, in Hemodialysis Patients
Conditions: Kidney Failure, Chronic;   Heart Failure, Congestive
14 Recruiting B-Type Natriuretic Peptide for the Management of Weaning
Condition: Respiratory Insufficiency
Interventions: Procedure: BNP-guided weaning;   Procedure: Standard physician-directed weaning
15 Active, not recruiting Effect of Rosiglitazone Versus Placebo on Cardiovascular Performance and Myocardial Triglyceride
Condition: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Intervention: Drug: rosiglitazone
16 Recruiting Utility of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) in Predicting Renal Impairment, Further Decompensation and Rehospitalization in Acutely Decompensated and Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Condition: Heart Failure
Intervention: Other: NGAL kit

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