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Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is an open organization engaged in the development of interoperable online metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and collaborative work in DCMI Communities and DCMI Task Groups, annual conferences and workshops, standards liaison, and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards and practices. Learn more...
Graphic for the DC-2009 International Conference
Call for Papers DC-2009 closed, Call for Tutorials and Call for Sponsors still open

2009-05-11, The Call for Papers for DC-2009, this year's International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, to be held in Seoul, Korea, 12-16 October 2009, is now closed. The Program Committee will now start reviewing the received papers, project reports and posters. Notifications of acceptance are scheduled to be sent out on 22 June 2009. Please note that the Call for Tutorials and the Call for Sponsors are still open.

DC-2009 to be co-hosted by the National Library of Korea and the Korean Library Association

2009-05-11, As of today, the Korean Library Association (KLA) has joined the National Library of Korea (NLK) as co-host for DC-2009 to be held 12-16 October 2009 in Seoul, Korea. KLA will take on the responsibility for conference event operations and management of sponsorship, while NLK will be responsible for overall coordination and management of the conference program.

Call for Expressions of Interest for hosting DC-2010 in North America

2009-05-11, DCMI is interested to establish contact with organizations that are interested to host next year's conference and workshop in North America and therefore has published a Call for Expressions of Interest. Interested organizations are invited to respond to this call by 8 June 2009.

Schubert Foo and Samantha Starmer appointed as members of the DCMI Oversight Committee

2009-05-11, In the last months, two new members have been appointed to the DCMI Oversight Committee. In early 2009, Schubert Foo was appointed as representative of the National Library Board Singapore, while recently Samantha Starmer was appointed as the fourth independent member of the Oversight Committee. With those appointments, the Oversight Committee is now on full strength with five members representing the DCMI Members and four independent members.

Interoperability Levels for Dublin Core Metadata published as DCMI Recommended Resource

2009-05-01, "Interoperability Levels for Dublin Core Metadata" has been published as a Recommended Resource. The document discusses modeling choices involved in designing metadata applications for different types of interoperability. At Level 1, applications use data components with shared natural-language definitions. At Level 2, data is based on the formal-semantic model of the W3C Resource Description Framework (as in Linked Data). At Levels 3 and 4, data also shares syntactic constraints based on the DCMI Abstract Model. The document aims at providing a point of reference for evaluating interoperability among a variety of metadata implementations. The authors expect this document to evolve as the trade-offs and benefits of interoperability at different levels are explored and welcome feedback from its readers.

Revised version of International Standard ISO 15836 published

2009-03-31, A revised version of the International Standard ISO 15836 has been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 15836:2009 Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set. The text of the standard has been brought in line with the January 2008 version of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set available on the DCMI Web site.

DCMI Status report March 2009 published

2009-03-31, The March 2009 Status Report is now available, covering the period from September 2008 through March 2009. Read the report...

Last updated: 11 May 2009 | Next update: 18 May 2009

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