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EPA adds two Texas sites, proposes one New Mexico site to Superfund list

Region 6 National Priorities List graphicTwo sites in Texas have been added and one site in New Mexico has been proposed to the federal Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

“Adding these sites to the NPL makes federal resources available to help protect the drinking water sources for thousands of Texans and New Mexicans,” EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene said.

Bandera Road Ground Water Plume in Leon Valley and East 67th Street Ground Water Plume in Odessa are the two Texas sites that were added to the program after being proposed in September 2006.  Eagle Picher Carefree Battery in Socorro is the New Mexico site being proposed to the NPL.  

The Bandera Road site was added to the cleanup priorities list because of the presence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) in concentrations above safe drinking water maximum contamination levels within the Edwards Aquifer.  The site at East 67th Street was added because of the presence of PCE, TCE, and cis 1, 2-dichloroethene in concentrations above safe drinking water maximum contamination levels in public and private drinking water wells.

The Eagle Picher site is being proposed to the NPL because of the presence of trichloroethene and other chlorinated solvents in concentrations above safe drinking water maximum contamination levels.  These solvents have been detected in several municipal and private drinking water wells, as well as monitoring wells.

The EPA Superfund program works closely with State agencies to clean and restore uncontrolled contaminated properties.  To date, there have been 1,562 sites listed to the NPL.  Of these sites, 317 sites have been deleted resulting in 1,245 sites currently on the NPL.  
More information on the Superfund National Priorities List.

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