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Anti-Third Party T Lymphocytes With Nonmyeloablative Stem Cell Transplantation for Indolent Lymphoid Malignancies
This study is ongoing, but not recruiting participants.
Study NCT00473551   Information provided by M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
First Received: May 11, 2007   Last Updated: April 30, 2009   History of Changes
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May 11, 2007
April 30, 2009
May 2007
To find the highest tolerable dose of anti-third party cytolytic lymphocytes (CTLs) that can be given in the treatment of lymphoma, CLL, or multiple myeloma. [ Time Frame: 3 Years ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
Same as current
Complete list of historical versions of study NCT00473551 on ClinicalTrials.gov Archive Site
Anti-Third Party T Lymphocytes With Nonmyeloablative Stem Cell Transplantation for Indolent Lymphoid Malignancies
Anti-Third Party T Lymphocytes With Nonmyeloablative Stem Cell Transplantation for Treatment of Indolent Lymphoid Malignancies

Primary Objective:

1. To determine the maximally tolerated dose of anti-third party cytolytic T-lymphocytes, defined as the dose which achieve engraftment without severe GVHD (graft-vs-host disease) at 90 days after allogeneic transplantation of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells.

Secondary Objective:

1. Toxicity, response rate, time to progression and overall survival.

GVHD can be a major problem after stem cell transplantation from a healthy donor. It is caused by T-lymphocytes (a type of immune cell) from the donor that can react badly against the person receiving the transplant (the recipient). Researchers want to see if stimulating the donor T-lymphocytes against another person (a third party) and growing them for 28 days will decrease the chance of developing GVHD.

Before you can start treatment on this study, you will have what are called "screening tests." These tests will help the doctor decide if you are eligible to take part in this study. You will have blood drawn (about 8 tablespoons) and a bone marrow biopsy. To collect a bone marrow biopsy, an area of the hip or chest bone is numbed with anesthetic, and a small amount of bone marrow and bone is withdrawn through a large needle. You will have x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans performed to evaluate your cancer. You will also have an echocardiogram where sound waves are used to make pictures of your heart, which shows how well your heart pumps blood. You will be asked to lie on your left side while a technician places a probe with gel on your chest to create images of your heart to determine the function and size. You will also have lung function testing in which you will breathe into a machine to assess your breathing capacity.

If you are found to be eligible to take part in this study, you will receive the below treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation, before your stem cell transplantation. These include rituximab, cyclophosphamide, fludarabine, and mesna. Rituximab is designed to attach to lymphoma cells, causing them to die. Cyclophosphamide is designed to destroy cancer cells by interfering with their multiplication and slowing or stopping their growth and spread throughout the body. Fludarabine is designed to interfere with DNA repair enzymes so that the leukemic cell cannot repair damaged DNA. This increases the likelihood of the cell dying. Mesna is a drug that lowers the risk of bladder side effects by the cyclophosphamide. Total body radiation is given to to reduce the risk of transplant rejection.

Participants with CLL or lymphoma will receive Rituxan (rituximab) by vein, given over several hours for each dose. The first rituximab dose is 13 days before the transplant. This will be followed by 3 more doses of rituximab, given 6 days before the transplant, and 1 and 8 days after the transplant.

All participants will receive fludarabine by vein over 30 minutes once per day for 4 days, starting 6 days before the transplant. All participants will also receive cyclophosphamide by vein over 2 hours. The cyclophosphamide will be given immediately after the first dose of fludarabine. All participants will also receive a continuous infusion of mesna by vein for 24 hours after receiving the cyclophosphamide. One day before transplantation, you will have total body radiation.

After receiving total body radiation, you will receive your stem cell transplantation. On the day of the transplant, you will receive the anti-third party CTLs by vein. This will be followed by vein infusion of stem cells from the donor. A sample of the anti-third party T-cells cells will also be tested for immune function.

All participants will receive sirolimus by mouth for 10 days, starting 2 days before transplantation. Sirolimus is an immunosuppressive drug which is given to reduce the risk of transplant rejection. You will remain in the hospital for about 4 weeks after the transplant. You will then continue as an outpatient in the Houston area for 100 days after your transplantation, or until your doctor feels it is okay for you to leave the Houston area.

If your disease gets worse after your transplantation, you may receive additional immune cells from the donor (DLI-donor lymphocyte infusion).You may be taken off this study if the transplant does not grow or is rejected, if not enough of the CTLs can be produced, if your disease continues to get worse after receiving additional donors cells, or if you experience any intolerable side effects.

You will have frequent blood tests as medically necessary to evaluate your medical condition. About 3 tablespoons of blood will be collected for immune function testing at 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months after the transplant. You will have a bone marrow biopsy, x-rays, and CT scans for evaluation of the cancer at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the transplant. The study is over after 1 year. You will be followed-up after that time for routine care, as the doctors feels it is necessary.

This is an investigational study. All of the drugs used in this study, have been approved by the FDA in the treatment of cancer and transplantation. The Miltenyi CliniMACS System which is used to purify stem cells and the anti-third party CTLs has not been approved by the FDA, and its use in this study is experimental. Up to 24 patients will take part in this study. All will be enrolled at M. D. Anderson.

Phase I, Phase II
Treatment, Non-Randomized, Open Label, Uncontrolled, Single Group Assignment, Safety/Efficacy Study
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Myeloma
  • Drug: Rituximab
  • Drug: Cyclophosphamide
  • Drug: Fludarabine
  • Drug: Mesna
  • Radiation: Radiation Treatment
  • Procedure: Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT)
  • Drug: Sirolimus
  • Procedure: Anti-third Party Cytolytic T-lymphocytes (CTL)
Experimental: Rituximab + Cyclophosphamide + Fludarabine + Radiation + Stem Cell Transplantation + Anti-third Party Cytolytic T-lymphocytes

*   Includes publications given by the data provider as well as publications identified by National Clinical Trials Identifier (NCT ID) in Medline.
Active, not recruiting
May 2010   (final data collection date for primary outcome measure)

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age 18-70
  • Confirmed diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, chronic lymphocyte leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma or multiple myeloma.

Patients must have had persistent or progressive disease despite initial chemotherapy. Patients must have achieved a partial or complete response to their most recent chemotherapy.

  • Patients must have an HLA matched (HLA-A, B, C DR or DQ) related donor who is seropositive against Epstein Barr virus and capable of donating peripheral blood mononuclear cells and peripheral blood progenitor cells.
  • Patient must be HLA completely mismatched for HLA class I loci (A, B and C) with the 3rd party stimulator cells. HLA-A (330301, 310102) HLA-B (5801,150101[62]) HLA-C (0302, 030301)
  • Zubrod PS of 0 or 1
  • Creatinine < 1.8 mg/dl
  • Ejection fraction >/=40%
  • Corrected DLCO >/=45% predicted
  • Serum bilirubin </=1.5 mg/dl if not due to Gilbert's syndrome

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Uncontrolled infection
  • HIV, hepatitis B surface antigen or hepatitis C seropositive
  • SGPT > 200 IU/ml
  • Pregnant or lactating women i.e., positive Beta HCG test in a woman with child bearing potential. Child bearing potential is defined as not post-menopausal for 12 months or no previous surgical sterilization.
18 Years to 70 Years
United States
Richard E. Champlin, MD/Chair, U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator: Richard E. Champlin, MD U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
April 2009

 †    Required WHO trial registration data element.
††   WHO trial registration data element that is required only if it exists.