Homeland Security

Congressman Reichert brings over 33 years of law enforcement experience as a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. Congressman Reichert joined the Homeland Security Committee after he was sworn into office in 2005 and quickly became an influential member. Only 9 months after being in office, Congressman Reichert was named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science and Technology, only the sixth freshmen in history to have a subcommittee chairmanship.


In this position, Chairman Reichert was tasked with reforming for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after the failed response of Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita. Chairman Reichert was the lead author of legislation that was signed into law on October 4, 2006, that significantly strengthened and improved FEMA within the Department of Homeland Security.


In addition to reforming FEMA, Chairman Reichert also made solving interoperability and emergency communications for our nation’s first responders a priority. As a result, the Emergency Preparedness, Science and Technology Subcommittee held 4 hearings on the issue that included witnesses from local, state, federal, and private sector to try and find a comprehensive solution. As a result, the House passed legislation by Congressman Reichert, H.R. 5852, the 21st Century Emergency Communications Act, by a vote of 414-2 and the language was also signed into law on October 4, 2006.


Currently Congressman Reichert serves as the Senior Republican on the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment. In this position, Congressman Reichert is looking to improve the flow of information and intelligence from the Department of Homeland Security to state and local officials across the nation.  

Related News:

Congressional Global Health Caucus Leads Effort to Monitor Swine Flu Virus (Press Releases - 4.28.2009)

Reichert Applauds New Resources for Local Law Enforcement (Press Releases - 4.23.2009)

Flood damage: Call FEMA even if you have registered with local agencies (Blog - 2.9.2009)

Reichert in the Washington Times: Keep FEMA within Homeland Security (Opinion Pieces - 1.14.2009)

Reichert Homeland Security Bill Becomes Law (Press Releases - 10.14.2008)

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Related Files:

Dave Committee Statement on the PRICE Act

Major Cities Chiefs Association Letter of Support for Reichert Fusion Center Legislation

Franked Mail: Spring Update 2008

3 20 08 DHS-OMB Grant Guidance Fusion Centers Reichert


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