NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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"Is there any current research in cryogenics or suspended animation for long-term space travel?"
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  1. Question

    What is the radiation level on the surface of mars?

    According to the Mars Radiation Environment Experiment (MARIE) data from 2001, 25-38 mrad/day is the radiation level on the surface of Mars. MARIE, blasted off April 7th with the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. MARIE is one of three scientific instruments on board -- the other two will search for signs of water and interesting minerals on Mars. MARIE (along with the rest of Odyssey) arrived in October and will spend at least two years circling the Red Planet. MARIE, which spans less than 12 inches down its longest side, weighs 7.3 pounds and uses 7 watts of power. MARIE can detect charged particles -- electrons, protons, and atomic nuclei -- with energies between 15 MeV and 500 MeV. For more information on Marie and radiation levels on Mars, check out
    February 20, 2002