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Obama vs. Obama - Health Care

Obama vs. Obama - Health Care

A Tale of Two Presidents

MARCH 5, 2009

President Obama said government-run health care was “extreme” and “wrong” but…

Then-Candidate Obama said government- run health care was “extreme” and “wrong.”

According to President Obama’s campaign website, “On health care reform, the American people are too often offered two extremes - government-run health care with higher taxes or letting the insurance companies operate without rules. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe both of these extremes are wrong…” (


… NOW the President has proposed a massive expansion of the government’s involvement in health care.

Contained within the President’s budget is nearly $1 trillion in NEW health care spending by the federal government – on top of the $150 billion Democrats’ spent in their so-called “stimulus” plan. (President’s budget proposal, February 26, 2009)
According to an independent analysis by the Lewin Group, under the President’s health care proposal up to 118 million people will lose their private health care coverage and be forced onto the new government-run health insurance program President Obama promised to create.  (