Conference Blog

Budget Myths: $2.3 Trillion Off

March 24, 2009

House Whip Eric Cantor's office has done a great job compiling facts for Republicans to lean on as America's economic turmoil continues. This week, they've called out the Democrats for a dishonest asessment that the Democrats' plan will "half" the deficit in four years. Most notably, they report that the Democrats' projections are $2.3 trillion lower than what the budget will be in reality. They also point out that the current budget adds $9.3 trillion to the national debt, which begins a pattern of "unprecedented borrowing."

Always quick to recognize Democrats who are critical of the budget, the office quotes OMB Director Peter Orszag saying that long-term deficits "would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios in a manner that would ultimately not be sustainable."

Check out the rest of today's facts and eight other helpful fact lists here.

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