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Pictured at top: U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge speaks to students about the importance of education.

News Item

Contact: Joanne Peters 202-225-4531

Etheridge Votes to Invest in Economic Growth

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Washington, Apr 2 - WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-Lillington), a member of the House Budget Committee, today voted for a budget resolution that serves as a long-term economic plan to create jobs and provide for long-term economic growth.

“This budget will turn the economy around put us on a path to long-term prosperity,” said Etheridge. “If we are going to bring down the deficit and put North Carolinians back to work, we must break with the failed policies of the past that led to the economic crisis, and invest in our future.”

The budget will cut the deficit by two-thirds by 2013. It will cut taxes for middle-income families by $1.5 trillion. The budget will create jobs through targeted investments in health care reform, education and clean energy, and will require the spending to be offset so as not to increase the deficit.

“A budget is more than just a document, it is a statement of our priorities. This Budget Resolution provides a strong blueprint for our economic future,” said Etheridge.

The budget will provide for health care reform, making it easier for North Carolina’s workers and businesses to afford health care. It will provide investments in clean energy, creating green jobs and reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil. It will also provide significant investments in education to ensure that America’s workers can compete in the global economy. The budget will help families who are struggling to pay for college by expanding Pell grants and providing additional assistance to help more high school graduates attend and complete college


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