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News and Resources from House Republicans
The Waxman-Markey Climate Legislation: Higher Energy Prices, Fewer Jobs, and More Government Intrusion

The Waxman-Markey Climate Legislation: Higher Energy Prices, Fewer Jobs, and More Government Intrusion

Just shy of 650 pages, the Waxman-Markey bill contains four sections outlining mandates for renewable energy, mandates for energy efficiency, an incomplete cap-and-tax proposal, and a "transitioning" section focused on forestalling expected job loss.

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April 22, 2009
History Repeats Itself: President Obama’s Cap-and-tax Plan

SummaryBoth Presidents Clinton and Obama called for a sweeping national energy tax in their inaugural budget submissions.  In 1993, Clinton...

April 03, 2009
Question and Answer: Medicare and the Republican Budget

"The real problem with our long-term deficit actually has to do with our entitlement obligations...The big problem is Medicare, which...

April 01, 2009
Fiscal Responsibility: Republicans on the Budget

House and Senate Press Conference on the Budget The House Republican Budget Alternative: Ryan Proposes "The Path To American Prosperity"House...

March 17, 2009
Republican Principles for Economic Recovery

PROTECTING JOBS AND LOWERING TAXESInstead of raising taxes on all Americans in the midst of a recession, Republicans seek to...

February 26, 2009
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget

President Obama's budget includes nearly $1 trillion in new health spending-a $634 billion reserve fund as a "down payment" for...

February 24, 2009
Coming Tomorrow: Omnibus Appropriations Act Of 2009

Get a preview of the Legislative Digest here:

February 10, 2009
Question and Answer: Government-rationed Health Care

In light of the inclusion of $1.1 billion in the Democrat "stimulus" legislation for the Agency for Healthcare Research and...