[Banner]  National Interagecny Fire Center.  (NIFC).  NIFC logo with fire photo in the background.

Policies - Interagency Guides
Redbook 2007





Fire Information






Fire Programs

Interagency Standards for Fire & Aviation Operations 2007
Interagency Cover Letter
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Federal Fire Program Policy and Guidance Overview
Chapter 2 BLM Program Organization and Responsibilities
Chapter 3 NPS Program Organization and Responsibilities
Chapter 4 FWS Program Organization and Responsibilities
Chapter 5 FS Program Organization and Responsibilities
Chapter 6 Administration
Chapter 7 Safety
Chapter 8 Interagency Coordination and Cooperation
Chapter 9 Planning
Chapter 10 Preparedness
Chapter 11 Incident Management
Chapter 12 Suppression Chemicals and Delivery Systems
Chapter 13 Training and Qualifications
Chapter 14 Firefighting Personnel
Chapter 15 Firefighting Equipment
Chapter 16 Communications
Chapter 17 Aviation Operations/Resources
Chapter 18 Prescribed Fire
Chapter 19 Reviews and Investigations
Appendices (Word documents)
View 2007 changes to each chapter.

Previous Versions of the Red Book







Participating agecny logos      
BLM - Bureau of Land Management NASF - National Association of State Foresters BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs FWS -  US Fish & Wildlife Service - Fire Management NPS - National Park Service - Fire & Aviation Management FS - US Forest Service - Fire & Aviation Management NOAA -  National Weather Service - Fire Weather AMD -  National Business Center Aviation Management USFA -  US Fire Administration